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because it is YOUR country

Sep 01, 2006 upper case link
you owe it to yourself to view this whole thing:
Sep 01, 2006 softy2 link
but it's not my country!

(I pay taxes though.)
Sep 01, 2006 LeberMac link
LOL. I got a whole DVD chock full of goodness like this. (Thanks, Mom!)

I wonder, where's my cheap oil & gas? I gotta keep the tank on my SUV full! Good thing we gave all that blood for oil, sez I!
Sep 01, 2006 who? me? link
i refuse to watch this conspiracy theory bullshit. besides i dont vote so its not my country yet.
Sep 01, 2006 upper case link
before you call it conspiracy, watch the first half hour. this guy has the proofs, from the inside, that cia imports cocaine to support the economy (and friends of the current administration, going all the way back to reagan).

he was on the los angeles police force as a dea operative for the local police. until he realized what was going on.

if you think your country is governed by those you elect, you need to take a step back. then, when you've had an opinion other than your "elected officials" and cnn/fox, should you make a jugement.
Sep 01, 2006 moldyman link
Oh we all know that the government is screwing us over. And many want to do something about it. There are only two major problems to a revolution, let's say:

1) You need the military's support.

2) You need to rally the populace.

Sadly, the military is benefitting from this arrangement and the populace could care less, especially since most really are too apathetic or stupid to their sorroundings.
Sep 01, 2006 Galaxy613 link
This only confirms what I already knew, I don't need to know the details. The entire world is screwed up and we are headed to our destruction, whats new?
Sep 06, 2006 A-Dawg link
Isn't uppercase/Mogul Canadian?
Sep 06, 2006 MSKanaka link
Hence the "YOUR" in the topic title, instead of "OUR".
Sep 06, 2006 upper case link
yeah. exactly.

though, given i'm trying to wake the masses, i could have titled this thread

"because it's OUR planet"
Sep 07, 2006 toshiro link
Northern America != the entire planet. They'll even become less and less important over time, if they keep doing what they are.
Sep 07, 2006 jexkerome link
So America is evil, what else is new? I mean, didn't the fact it, Britain and the USSR pardoned the Nazi scientists to build up their own weapons tech tip you off, people?

On a somewhat related note, ABC is about to air in the US a "documentary" on 9-11 that pretty much goes counter to the findings of the 911 Commission Report and says that everything is Clinton's fault while Dubya is a hero. Revisionist history at its best; how many americans do you think will swallow that BS besides LeberMac and Nigel?
Sep 07, 2006 LeberMac link
At least we can hold a valid and fair election! >:P Oh, wait...

I'm fully secure in my little fat white republican world, thank you very much. I'm not overly concerned as to whether the CIA uses shady methods to control foreign countries, or whether it tortures captured islamist terrorists, or whether my government is hypocritically applying wartime policies to peacetime situations left and right.

The main focus of most liberal/democratic rabblerousers is their hatred of President George W. Bush. It blinds them and leads them to make flawed logical leaps like uppercase's example here:

From THIS:

he was on the los angeles police force as a dea operative for the local police. until he realized what was going on.
(Meaning that the "LA cop/DEA loaner detective" found out that an undercover CIA operative sold drugs while attempting to infiltrate a larger drug operation)

to THIS...

if you think your country is governed by those you elect, you need to take a step back. then, when you've had an opinion other than your "elected officials" and cnn/fox, should you make a jugement.
(Meaning that obviously all of our elected officials are robots controlled by the CIA, Dick Cheney and the dynamic duo of Ted Turner/Rupert Murdoch. They vote the way they tell them to or the supply of cocaine gets cut off.)

I think uc skipped a couple of steps in between, there. You know, to tie those events together. Somehow.

Maybe because it's because I'm older than most of the folks on this site and more jaded, but I expect politicians to lie, cheat, and steal in order to stay in power, and that includes using the CIA for their dirty tricks. Seeing that we have always had "secret CIA detention facilities" does not surprise me in the slightest, but perhaps it does surprise some of the more naive and idealistic amongst us.

I'm not apathetic or "stupid to my surroundings" as some of you might think. I'm just selfish. I vote and exercise my political muscle in the way that will most benefit me and my family. That means constantly bugging my local and state government to lower taxes and eliminate wasteful governmental services, because I don't need them. (Even though I do realize that other people certainly DO need them.) It also means that I don't care much whether or not every young male middle-eastern man gets racially profiled before they get on a plane or a train or a bus. Cause I'm not middle-eastern-looking and I only have a few friends who are, and their stories about being detained in airports are always entertaining to me.

Does this feed into the "tyranny of the majority?" Sure. But, since I'm in the majority (at least for the forseeable future), I'm feeling OK with that.

That doesn't mean that I'm a 100% cold-hearted minority-hating liberal-bashing bastard. It just means that my politics are selfish.

Am I gonna stop drinking Miller Genuine Draft because SAB/Miller supported a pro-immigrant rally? Of course not. Do I blame everything bad in America on Bill Clinton just because he's got a shambling disgrace of a family life? Of course not. Do I foment revolution because some people at CIA sold drugs to drug USERS in California in the 1980's? Of course not.

I don't expect my government politicians to be squeaky-clean and of the highest moral fiber. All I ask from my government is that they leave me alone to live out my life with as much liberty and freedom as possible, that they prevent other people from causing me harm or stealing from me, and that they make sure the water and electricity and "internets tubes" keep flowing. I don't ask for much in MY country. Flaws and all, I'd much rather live in the United States of America than anywhere else in the world.
Sep 07, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Here here!

Not badly said, Lever. (but hey, I'm a lawyer: we're suppose to be the quintessential embodiment of selfish greed and evil)
Sep 07, 2006 Snax_28 link
Wow Leebs, thats one rock solid set of principles you've got, and an absolutely inspiring vision of the future! God I'm glad we've got you folks for neighbours!

Sep 07, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
/me mutters something under his breath about finishing what we started back in 1812 =P
Sep 07, 2006 Snax_28 link
Hehe, try it... the First Nations of Ontario are as militant now as they were then!

Although it would be up in the air who they would fight for....
Sep 08, 2006 Beolach link
> /me mutters something under his breath about finishing what we started back in 1812 =P
1812 really didn't go all that well for the US.... (faster link)
Sep 08, 2006 LeberMac link
Where's our resident archconservative Klabbath/Nigel on this one? I figured he'd be all over this by now. Or did one of you finally break down and send him a mailbomb?
Sep 08, 2006 slime73 link
I heard something about a biking accident a while back, haven't heard from him since.