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how not to get your ass kicked by the police if your a black guy

May 09, 2006 zamzx zik link

Found it! note : cussing.

YES : "is there a problem, officer?"

NO : "WHAT THE F*** YOU DOING , MOTHERF******!?!!!"
May 09, 2006 Whistler link
It''s actually funny.
May 09, 2006 LeChatlier link
Heh. Heh. Hahaha. Hehehehehe. HA!

pretty good
May 09, 2006 ghostieboy link
lol ;D

May 09, 2006 moldyman link
If you find a better quality vid of that, tell me. It's a keeper
May 09, 2006 Blacklight link
/me jumps the subway turnstyle with a loaded gun and smokin a joint

May 12, 2006 zamzx zik link
May 13, 2006 Solra Bizna link
I should have been disgusted by that. Why am I laughing so hard? >_>
*falls off his chair*
May 15, 2006 Cunjo link

If there's a better quality copy, I'll find it...
May 17, 2006 ananzi link
because chris rock gets payed for allowing white people to laugh at racist jokes
May 18, 2006 Cunjo link
Wrong answer.

The US is screwed up, but that's not part of it.

There's this thing called the vernacular, ananzi. You don't got it.

Political correctness? whuzzat?
May 18, 2006 ananzi link

1. (n) a roundabout system of logic in which upper middle class white people can laugh at 'n****er jokes' in polite company.

2. (n) why dave chapelle left comedy central.
May 18, 2006 Pirate_N00ber link
Another reason this world is going to pot...^-
May 19, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Solra, it's funny because black comedians and rapper made that video, so there's no denying the tongue-in-cheek-ness of it all.

It's a satirical humour piece. And a pretty good one.

I live in Quebec, where language issues are still hot. Back in the mid 80s, that issue was not hot. it was explosive. And while a french quebec comedy group depicted the language situation as "english paranos freaking out" in Rock Et Belles Oreille's Fourth Reich classic sketch (in wich anglophones undergo a "grueling" assimilation process), the Toronto-based Kids In The Hall came out with their satire on the situation, depicting quebecers as 18th century furr trappers, hunting respectable anglo business men and wemen:

It's a classic comedy moment wich I find extremely funny myself, even though i'm a quebecer.
May 19, 2006 who? me? link
@ moldyman: theres a good quality version on gnutella
May 19, 2006 ananzi link
yeah. quebec vs english canada is so comparable. because you know, quebecois used to be slaves, until a blood civil war that wiped out a few million people, then jim croux laws and legalized rape and murder of quebecers in Vancouver who were not allowed to vote, go to college, sleep in hotels, eat in restaurants, drink from dri.. .

oh wait! that analogy is complete and utter bullshit! yeah. whew. lost my mind for a second there.
May 19, 2006 mgl_mouser link
I was not comparing Quebec's language issues with the black segregation you twerp.

Rather, I was introducing Kids In The Hall's funny blurb on the issue.
May 22, 2006 break19 link
Guess what... blacks in america CAN vote now.. AND they get preferential hiring treatment BECAUSE they are black... gotta meet that government quota, or they can be sued for not hiring blacks. and lets not forget the ebonics idiocy.. What, are blacks just too ignorant to learn to speak properly? Not all of them.. unfortunately for the entire race, there are a few ignorant morons out there, still making a HUGE living off of racial tension.. get rid of the people causing the tension.. Listen to the politicians "We gotta get the BLACKS on our side" instead of "we gotta get our CONSTITUENTS on our side".. I know several people, who happen to be black, who are completely repulsed by the stupidity of certain.. personalities.. who claim to be working FOR the black man...

And thats the problem.. instead of working for ALL people, they work for the blacks only.. fair.. right.. get rid of these idiots, and make everything completly fair.. "Negro College Fund" ? so, what.. they racist? imagine it the other way.. there would be lawsuits by the thousands..

And before you start preachin', let me just inform you of MY ethnicity.. 25% Native American, Alabama Creek Indian.. along with lots of other things thrown in for good measure.

My ancestors werent just enslaved.. they were damn near exterminated.. but that was years ago.. we got over it.. NOW ITS YOUR TURN
May 22, 2006 ananzi link
break19: so can i make a 'woop woop' tomahawk noise when i gank you in sedina b8?
May 23, 2006 break19 link
go for it.. wont hurt my feelings.. and guess what.. I'm a huge Atlanta Braves fan.... so no.. the tomahok chop doesnt offend me.. the only thing that offends me is stupidity