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how not to get your ass kicked by the police if your a black guy

May 25, 2006 spectre_c_me link
/me raises his hand to volunteer to be the white friend. ^^
Jun 07, 2006 lucifex link
Ok, some slight modifications, cuz I just can't let that slide.

*"What, are blacks just too ignorant to learn to speak properly? *Not all of them"

So, you don't think there is a language barrier between inner-city ethnicities and the upper classes?

You don't think this causes a problem?

Or is your "Bottle of Beer" (Pronounce it correctly kids, or they MIGHT think you're poor) too damn good for you to spare a neuron to think about it.

*"I know several people, who happen to be black, who are *completely repulsed by the stupidity of certain.. *personalities.. who claim to be working FOR the black man..."

Ok, Anecdotal evidence.... You KNOW some people. That's like everyone trying to break into the film industry... "Hell Ya man, I can hack it, I KNOW some people"

*"And before you start preachin', let me just inform you of MY *ethnicity.. 25% Native American, Alabama Creek Indian.. along *with lots of other things thrown in for good measure."

You know what's great about the 25%-ers, they get to talk all the smack, with very little of the stigma. They haven't a clue what its like to be in a prejudiced situation. How you have to shed every tiny lil bit of history that you have to be able to fit in, and what you keep causes people to make snap judgements about you.

Notice how I haven't brought up my ethnicity at all in this argument?

Try it, Logic can be painful at first, but you'll acclimate.


Why should every black person have to fit in with middle-american white culture to be considered normal or intelligent.

Don't even get me started on the prejudices that Middle Class whites harbor toward the lower classes of their own race... "White Trash" is about as offensive a term as I can imagine.


I am not a supporter of Affirmative action, I think its too little, too late.

Yeah, lets make "Everything fair"

Lets give everyone equal access to education, IN PRESCHOOL.

How the hell do the best and the brightest emerge from a society in which crippling poverty and the social work related to it takes up more of a teacher's time than actually teaching.

How bout equal access to health care, so that inner city kids don't stay at home nursing sick parents when they should be at school.

Or taking jobs so that their family can eat.

Lucky you, you never had to make sacrifices.