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Verdandi Incident Season 2

Feb 05, 2006 StarFreeze link

/me sighs.

One of the very first things I asked was if he/she had played Vendetta Online because this was only the second time I've seen someone play with the name "Verdandi" :P

This is just for the old players to get a quick chuckle and/or laff to see me sitting next to "Verdandi" again and into another possible "Verdandi Incident".

I'm almost 100% sure Verdandi in this case is a girl...wait maybe only 98% sure...wait hold on...

*Messages the new Verdandi on IRC*

Okay, I am 100% sure Verdandi is a guy. But I'll ignore that fact for maybe 2-3 months. >_>

Have a good night,
Feb 05, 2006 Spellcast link
heh, not again.
Feb 05, 2006 genka link
Feb 05, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
You'd think he would learn.
Feb 05, 2006 Aeternalis link
Shhh, we're not supposed to tell... he'll get mad again.

And then we'll have another _____ Incident to put in the history books.
Feb 05, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
Holy frak. Aeternalis posted to the board!
Feb 05, 2006 Blacklight link
Feb 06, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
starfreeze,just do the same thing as me.

expect everyone you meet to be a guy, unless you see them in real life.

It makes one's life so much easier...
Feb 06, 2006 jexkerome link
Intolerance, gotta love it!
Feb 06, 2006 roguelazer link
You weren't handy for the original incident, were you, jex...
Feb 06, 2006 jexkerome link
No at all, no. I just had the urge to say something...
Feb 06, 2006 StarFreeze link

To continue what has happened, I was talking about his name that he selected(Verdandi) and asked if he had ever seen what it means on the urban dictionary. :P Well lets say now he wants to change names. LOL to that. I told him that one day if he wants I can tell him the entire story but he decided not to take me up on that offer. But by my guessing he already figured out the basis of what happened. hmmmm you know I think when I talked to him the first time, it sounded like he knew of VO but hadn't tried it yet. Could you imagin TWO verdandi's in one MMORPG Game?!?! THE WORLD WOULD EXPLODE! Now I also wonder...what if a "Verdandi" pulled a "Verdandi" on a "Verdandi" who pulls a "Verdandi" onto that "Verdandi". ...what would you call that? (I had to leave out "Verdandi 1/2" just because it sounds more confusing)

Where is the original Verdandi? I don't see a post by "he/she/it" anywhere in this thread.

Anyhow time for work,

P.S. (have fun with this thread, thats the entire point)
Feb 06, 2006 UncleDave link
ugh, screw you. that better not be the RF online beta, i didnt get in :(
Feb 06, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
he/she/it is still around
Feb 06, 2006 LeberMac link
And let this be a lesson to all of you...
Feb 06, 2006 StarFreeze link
Yes UncleDave it is the RF beta. I'll go record a little video of it for you :P
Feb 06, 2006 StarFreeze link

The movie is in there, divx codec. I was playing around with RF's graphic settings before and after but I think it turned out good. :)
Feb 06, 2006 thergvk link
oh i know about verdandi!
Feb 06, 2006 genka link
Original verd's still around, but miharu gets really mad when someone mentions that it's him.

As for jex, well, he might have something to add to the general idea, seeing as how he's courting everyone's favorite monkey every day. Bleeding pedo. I'm glad I'm intolerant to his kind.
Feb 06, 2006 ArAsH link
hehehe, that made me squirt beer through my nose n00b!!