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Verdandi Incident Season 2

Feb 07, 2006 jexkerome link
Get off it Genka, everyone knows you are just jealous I didn't choose you :P
Feb 07, 2006 Blacklight link
Now I also wonder...what if a "Verdandi" pulled a "Verdandi" on a "Verdandi" who pulls a "Verdandi" onto that "Verdandi". ...what would you call that? (I had to leave out "Verdandi 1/2" just because it sounds more confusing)

lmao haha
Feb 07, 2006 RelayeR link
SF, I read this on Monday...I just got up off the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 08, 2006 who? me? link
so lemme get this straight...

Way back when, in vendetta online history, StarFreeze, playing a male character, "dated" Verdandi, playing a female character. This went on for some time, then Verdandi told everyone that he was really a male. Everyone had a chuckle, and Verdandi made the character Miharu. Now "she's" married to Jan Rhapsody, and is secretly having an affair with Joyce Sanders, who is another male playing a female character.

thats about right eh?
Feb 08, 2006 moldyman link
eh? affair? Boy, Erik would be crushed...
Feb 08, 2006 zamzx zik link
erm, look ERIK (aka : moldyman) stfu.

and who? me? it sounds close.

I wouldn't count it as 100% true....yet.
Feb 08, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
It's all one big soap opera.
Feb 08, 2006 ananzi link
who? me? its not like that.

playing a 'character' in a game is different from pretending that you, sitting behind the computer, are something you are not.

thats double playing two separate characters. a character in game, then a character of a player that doesnt really exist.

it has nothing to do with 'role playing'. it is rather, using people as toys for ones own personal jollies without regard to their feelings. ie. immature bullshit.

Feb 08, 2006 who? me? link
thanks for the clarification ananzi

/me rolls his eyes
Aug 03, 2006 yodaofborg link
For the hell of it, I never saw this before, LMAO, what can I say, I was bored.
Aug 03, 2006 tumblemonster link
holy crap that's funny. To quote "someone": "No one knows!"