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I'm here and I don't know what else to call this thread.

Feb 05, 2006 Spellcast link
grey space is about as dangerous as my wit. not very.
Feb 06, 2006 andreas link
I think I understand now why the usually friendly mr_spuck had enough of you. Maybe it will become clearer if we compare your writeup to what actually happend:

> I was just on for a while, and I'm at "?" to my no-like list. :-)
> I'm serco, so he said he was going to make quick work of me

True (=> I gave you a warning that I would attack).

>, and then when I got him down below 40%, he ran and healed.

Lie, omission, and true. I was at around 70% (you were almost dead), YOU did run and I wasn't able to catch a running super-light SVG in my big fat 5400kg valk. However, it is true that I did repair after you ran. If that was rude ... well ... whatever.

> Then I was sitting in B-8, and he came back and attacked me without warning.

Omission, lie, and a lie. I checked every station after you ran for the first time. I found you in D-14 and chased you to B8. At 20%-ish you ran again, jumping from sector to sector.

> He wouldn't leave me alone after that.

You probably meant to write: "I ran two more times after taking some damage." This time Kix actually saw you running, just in case you need a memory refresher from a neutral party.

> So my revised meanie list is: mr_spuck, Mark McDoogle, and ?
> They're all n00b hating bullies.

I really don't think I should respond to that.

Can we lock this thread now and move it to the dumpster?
Feb 06, 2006 Whistler link
This appears to have degenerated into flamebait / flames and is no longer appropriate for this forum. We'll move it to Off Topic and eventually trash it.

locked and moved