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I'm here and I don't know what else to call this thread.

Feb 05, 2006 Redlac link
Hi everyone, I've been playing Vendetta for almost 2 weeks now and I'm just now checking out the website. Here's a few things I've noticed about this game:
1) People are generally really nice. At first, everyone made me roll constantly, and then tried to get me to explode, but after Who? Me? did that, he gave me 2 million credits. Thank you who? me?. After only like 5 days, A-Dawg welcomed me to his Serco guild.
2) Mark Mcdoogle and mr. spuck are really mean. They both attack me without warning and kept bothering me even after they killed me a couple times.
3) I haven't really figured out what guilds do yet, can someone explain please? It seems like it just makes people attack me more. How do they even know what guld I am in? Someone said channel 11 is nation chat channel. Why do we have to have Nation Guilds and stuff if we could just use that?
4) I was just reading the news, and it looks like this game is always getting worked on. Now THAT is cool. I can't wait to see more stuff, because right now it's kind of like a egg shell with nothing in it. And is the vulture a good ship? Or are there others that could just own it. I've seemed had a reasonably good chance against most the people I've fought, or are they just going easy? Are there really only 5 missions. or do you get more when you get higher levels? It's still fun though because the community is so friendly and nice. What company makes Vendetta?
5) Is there any way someone could help me get my levels higher or teach me some PvP, (isn't that what people call it here?) strategies? Bojan taught me a little, but the more I fight, the more I realise it doesn't apply in my ship because it has too big a wings.
6) What is the fastest way to make money? Because if I hadn't gotten 2 million from who? me? I would be really poor right now and not having any fun because the only way I know about to make money is by trading a lot and that is REALLY boring. Same with Combat Practice after a while. Once I got to my 4th license, I have stopped for a while and I don't know if I'll ever do more of it.
7) I was looking at the duel stats page because I didn't undertand what the numbers meant when someone challenged me to a duel, and I tried searching for my name. It took me to the sizth page, even though my duel rating was 1077. I looked on the fifth page, and there it was. Is it just that it doesn't work for me, or is the search function on this always broken?
8) Everyone keeps calling me Calder because my name spelled backwards is caldeR. Who is he? Some people say he's a jerk, but I'd like to meet him anyway. I mean, what are the chances that that would happen in a game with only about 30 people playing at once. Oh, is it always that small or am I just looking at the Active Players page during the low times?
9) On the news it was talking about a new beta-client. Are there two versions of this game? I'm downloading the beta-client right now just to see what it is. Is it like a different universe or what?
10) This is about the capital ships. They are SO cool. Can you pilot one or buy one when you have better licenses? And when I docked with one, why couldn't I pilot it even though I was the first one there? Can you only man turrets? Can guilds own Capital ships? Is there only one kind of capital ships and can you buy different weapons for them? Can thhey shoot by themselves? Oops, this question one got really long. Sorry. I'm really interested in these things because they look so cool and are really big.

Well, that's about it. I hope to see everyone around, except Mark and Spuck. So with that, I think I'll log back into the game. Hopefully I can bring my duel rating up a little more. Right now I'm aiming for two main things. First, to get my duel rating up higher. Second, to get a lot of money because I seem to be running out of it fast.
Feb 05, 2006 Dark Knight link
Odd... When I was a newbie, Mark gave me 100,000 credits and a bunch of pointers... Of course, you're a toaster, so that might explain it.

Anyway, welcome to the game!
Feb 05, 2006 Spellcast link
heh, welcome to VO.

to answer your questions in no particular order:

9: NO, there are not 2 versions of the game. the beta client is a reworking of the client side of the program, (the part you use, not the server that controls the universe) It's being redone to allow for easier customizing of the look and feel of the game for each user, and to allow more interesting 'stuff' to be done from the server side. Mostly it's a better interface both for use by us and programming by the devs.

8: Calder is a player who has been around for a while, I dont think hes a jerk per-say.

10: player usable capital ships are coming at some point, part of the new client is to allow for a different method of piloting them that wouldnt have been possible with the old one. Exactly how the capital ships will be used ingame is still not precisely decided yet.

1, 2, 3: most of the people in game are actually quite nice, mr spuck and mark aren't really that mean, you just have to be cautious where you go. Grey space isn't the best place for a new player. Guilds dont actually do a huge amount right now, once again the new client is opening up possibilities for missions and tasks that are guild oriented by making it possible to program them in much easier than would be possible with the old client. People know what guild you are in because that information appears next to your name when someone targets you.

7: dont worry too much about the duel stats, its interesting but not really a vital part of the game at this point. More of a placeholder IMO than a real part of the content.

5: ask around ingame, most people ar usually willing to help a new player learn the ropes. Dont be afraid to die, its not that big of a deal in VO. Heres a good thread with some PvP tips

4: right now there are only a few missions and your analogy to an egg is very apt. once again this is one of the reasons for the new UI, to allow more flexibility in the types of missions they can create. Lots of new things coming soon.
4b: Vendetta is made by a small company called Guildsoftware, its a small company (there are 4 of them, 5 if you count the part time graphic artist) and of those 4 one of them is still the 'new guy' who replaced the old artist when he moved on to a new project. The whole game is made basically from scratch by guildsoftware from the game engine up. They are one of the coolest dev teams in the entire universe, taking time to talk to us the players and incorporating a lot of our ideas into theier plans for the game.

6: trading, mining, some combat missions all allow for making money, but honestly once you get more practiced with HOW to fly and fight, you will find you need less cash per week when you arent loosing ships constantly.
Feb 05, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
Your rather good at PvP for 2 weeks.
Feb 05, 2006 Redlac link
I was just on for a while, and I'm at "?" to my no-like list. :-)
I'm serco, so he said he was going to make quick work of me, and then when I got him down below 40%, he ran and healed. Then I was sitting in B-8, and he came back and attacked me without warning. He wouldn't leave me alone after that.

So my revised meanie list is: mr_spuck, Mark McDoogle, and ?
They're all n00b hating bullies.

Thanks for the welcome everyone else!
Feb 05, 2006 Dark Knight link
Naa, they're not n00b-hating bullies, just Serco n00b-hating bullies.
Feb 05, 2006 yodaofborg link
You have to accept the fact that if you chose red, you will be shot at by blues (read the back story) some of them will hail you first to make it *sporting* some wont.

If you would have chosen uiT for a starting nation, you prolly will only be bullied by pirates.

Red (Serco) vs Blue(Itani) is a big thing, so dont expect not to be shot by them :)
Feb 05, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
still strange that spuck was involved... he is kinda nice...
Feb 05, 2006 icbm1987 link
And the Itani are such jerks about it too.

One more thing... you joined S.C.A.R.? Be prepared for massive amounts of abuse from everyone else. For some reason (*cough* Lecter *cough*) People hate our guild.

Zoras Ock
Feb 05, 2006 Spellcast link
Then I was sitting in B-8,

AH-HAH theres your problem. If you are in B-8 you are a valid target for anyone, its a dangerous universe out there, and you picked the most dangerous part to sit in. :)
Feb 05, 2006 A-Dawg link
To question 5:

Just ask anytime and I'll take you up and show you how to do Border Patrol missions. Lots of our members, and Serco in general go up to Geria Rutilus to do "BP" as its called. BP gives 75000 credits and combat/light/heavy xp ranges from 1500 up. BP is a good way to also get experience doing PVP as well though you've seemed to be getting a lot of it in B8. BP allows for PVP and a mix of botting as well. It gets to be quite fun when everyone is in a group going at it.

Although being in SCAR means you'll get shot at a lot, we do have certain mining areas wich yeild high amounts of profits. Ask either myself or someone else in the guild about some mining areas. I'd be more than happy to show you some of our nicer spots.
Feb 05, 2006 genka link
A-dawg birthed this unverifiable fact with his belly button:
Although being in SCAR means you'll get shot at a lot, we do have certain mining areas wich yeild high amounts of profits.

Wowee. Mining areas.
Being a serco renegade sure sounds fun!
Feb 05, 2006 icbm1987 link
deleted - inappropriate
Feb 05, 2006 genka link
deleted - inappropriate
Feb 05, 2006 icbm1987 link
Sorry genka... but I only mine in b-8... and here's a newsflash... your roid's cheating on you.

Yes... there is denic ore in b-8... and it's possible to mine it.
Feb 05, 2006 Beolach link
What? Since when has mr_spuck been a Serco n00b hating bully? mr_spuck's very friendly w/ Serco, from my memory...
Feb 05, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
lol we have mining areas.

Is that on the recruitment poster?
Feb 05, 2006 csgno1 link

You probably get shot at more because of your guild than your nation. But don't be too concerned, if you like the guild you are in just adjust your game play a little.

Feb 05, 2006 Spellcast link
wow, this thread went downhill fast.

Actually i'm not sure what to say about mr-spuck. It's possible that he was just having a bad day, or maybe he was just trying to make grey space actually dangerous.
Feb 05, 2006 Seton-Ro link
But...but, grey space IS dangerous, all sorts of things can happen to you there, YAAAAarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!