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There's no sign of the morning coming

Feb 07, 2006 toshiro link
You forgot about it?

> Search bag for Drop Bear Repellent

You find the Drop Bear Repellent.

> Use Drop Bear Repellent.

Who or what would you like to use Drop Bear Repellent on?

> Use Drop Bear Repellent on LeberMac.

You use the Drop Bear Repellent on LeberMac.

> Run away.
Feb 07, 2006 Cunjo link
> smite genka

Sorry to disappoint you, genka, but I'm nothing of the sort.
(okay, so I lied, I'm not sorry... I love disappointing you, genka)
You're an embarrassment to all bipedal lifeforms you filthy troll...

Where did you think I got my name? I first started using it as a plugin developer for EV:N.


> smite thread
Feb 07, 2006 LeberMac link
Yeah, I can't wait until you write some missions for Vendetta, Cunjo. Hunt the wild Cunjo! I had forgotten the plotlines of EVN almost completely until last Thursday, when I was bored and launched it for the first time in well over a year.

If anyone needs me, I'l be back at EV:N for the next couple of days, probably. Or playing Zork.

I should stop reading the off-topic thread.
Feb 08, 2006 toshiro link
Also, watch out for the drop bears.
Feb 08, 2006 moldyman link
Nice irony Miharu. So his next crash plotting took place already. >.> Man, he's quick. Thanks for the comprehensive list of guides and powers that be.

> Click post

You will regret posting this...

> Click post...

Are you sure?


Really really sure?

> Threaten computer with a baseball bat in your hands....

Reply posted
Feb 08, 2006 LeberMac link
Yes, toshiro, I have purchased the Drop-Bear repellent, must to the amusement of the Auroran warriors watching me.
Feb 08, 2006 Cunjo link
Leebs: read: FORMER EVN plugin developer... I haven't had time to punp out plugins in close to two years, and I haven't even played EVN since I found VO... VO is just the same thing only better anyway. (I know I'm going to get flamed for saying that, but there it is)

Link for you:
should take you to a rough sampling of my Nova plugins, if you want to give some of them a try... there are two versions of the HWWPack, and I recommend the second... there are also a few more out there that I've completely forgotten the names of. (easy start and superweapon plugs mostly)

EDIT: oh, and click on the "cached" link on each of those if you want to actually find them

I stopped developing when a computer crash wiped out 3 months work on some plugin sets, and ended the development of my most abmbitious plugin package - Project Nemesis (which ended midway through the sovereign beta)
Feb 09, 2006 toshiro link
I think that you can't compare [any game of the] Escape Velovity [series] to Vendetta Online.

Reason for this being: one is single player, the other is multi player.

If you disregard that fact, both have their strengths and weaknesses and come to a close finish, imo...
Feb 09, 2006 LeberMac link
All the same, Cunjo, I thin kyou should take a stab at writing some scenarios for VO if and when that kind of thing gets opened up to the rest of us...