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There's no sign of the morning coming

Feb 02, 2006 Cunjo link
You've been left on your own...
Feb 02, 2006 genka link
I go north
Feb 03, 2006 jexkerome link
>Throw baby
Feb 03, 2006 genka link
The baby makes a shrill noise as it describes what sounds like a precise parabola through the air, only to be cut off abruptly by the meaty sound of impact.

It is dark.
Feb 03, 2006 Cunjo link
oh for f***'s sake... this thread was not meant for you trolls.
Feb 03, 2006 thergvk link
oh for f***'s sake, who else did you expect to reply to your random drivel?
Feb 03, 2006 Will Roberts link
oh for f***'s sake, ...eerm...what was I going to say? Nevermind.
Feb 03, 2006 genka link
yiff ^^

*waggles his sensual tail and sprays the room with the hormone-loaded scent of his urine*
Feb 03, 2006 Spellcast link
>light torch

:You aren't holding the torch.

>get torch

:You fumble around in the dark and get the torch.

>light torch

:you don't have anything to light it with.

>get matches

:you can't see the matches.

>search for matches

:you don't have enough light to search

>light torch

:you don't have anything to light it with.

>get matches

:you can't see the matches.

>search for matches

:you don't have enough light to search

>light torch

:you don't have anything to light it with.

>get matches

:you can't see the matches.

>search for matches

:you don't have enough light to search

>light torch

:you don't have anything to light it with.

>get matches

:you can't see the matches.

>search for matches

:you don't have enough light to search

>stab self with torch

Feb 03, 2006 genka link
It's okay, I'm a dragonkin, I can help you out ^^ yiff

>blow Spellcast's torch
Feb 03, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
I don't understand that verb.

It is dark, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Feb 03, 2006 LeberMac link

/me jams to Dio

>open mailbox

You see some mail. Do you want to read it?

>read mail

>Welcome to Zork!

ahhhh. Infocom. Best. Software. Company. Ever.
Feb 04, 2006 Cunjo link


> feed genka to grue

:The grue rejects genka

dispicable troll...
Feb 04, 2006 Beolach link
Feb 04, 2006 who? me? link
thats so useless
Feb 04, 2006 genka link
Wow Cunjo, I didn't realize that you feel that strongly about furdom.
I'm really sorry to be an embarrassment to your furryness, but don't worry. I'm working on a fursona even you will love.
Feb 04, 2006 UncleDave link
> lock thread
Feb 05, 2006 MSKanaka link
> lock thread

You do not have this ability.

> summon guide

Please be more specific. Which guide would you like to summon?

> summon Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator is currently unavailable because he is reviewing other threads.

> summon FiReMaGe

FiReMaGe is currently unavailable because he is working on the IRC relay, among other things.

> summon Suicidal Lemming

Suicidal Lemming is currently jumping off a cliff.

> summon RelayeR

RelayeR is currently busy gathering more evidence to support her theory that the universe is upside-down.

> summon Eldrad

Eldrad is currently unavailable.

> summon Kuvagh

Kuvagh is currently tied up moderating #vendetta on

> summon Obsidian

Obsidian is currently preparing for the next TGFT-sponsored event.

> summon SarahAnne

Sarah Anne is currently reviewing player-written newsposts.

> summon dev

Please be more specific. Which dev would you like to summon?

> summon Incarnate

Incarnate is currently working on the game.

> summon a1k0n

a1k0n is currently busy plotting his next server cra--er, working on the game.

> summon Raybondo

Raybondo is currently working on the new UI.

> summon Momerath

Momerath is currently fixing the new mission sets.

> give up

Do you really want to give up?

> yes

Thanks for playing Lock the Thread. Good bye.
Feb 05, 2006 UncleDave link
> flap wings and drink coffee
Feb 07, 2006 LeberMac link
LOL UncaDave - but it's "coffe" when Kalima sez it.

I love the Zork game, Beolach. I'll probably play it for a while tonight. Kickass.

Oh, and I forgot that the Cunjo was the wild animal that Auroran warriors fought as a rite of passsage. (In Escape Velocity: Nova). Haha. I'll have to play more and do the "Hunt the Cunjo" mision...