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Now talk about highly improbable coincidences...

Feb 03, 2006 vIsitor link
Ah, good. You got the message.

I'm sure I'll know when you've started.

Feb 03, 2006 Dark Knight link
I may or may not be able to take part. Lately, my connection has been iffy, as has my work load. I'll let you know.
Feb 03, 2006 vIsitor link
I understand. Now, you yourself don't have to participate, per say, but it would be nice if you organized it so that everyone knows exactly what to do.

PS If you wan't more specific instructions, just look for me in the Computer Lab
Feb 03, 2006 who? me? link
maybe I would be interested in being part of IT
Feb 04, 2006 vIsitor link
With your tendencies to 'spill the beans', I think that such a move would be ill-advised without first surgically removing your larynx. If you wish to be accepted into it and yet avoid such a fate, then go unseen and unheard for a week, then contact Dark Knight.
Feb 04, 2006 who? me? link
i dunno how to contact dark knight, but i could easily disappear for weeks or more at a time.
Feb 06, 2006 Harry Seldon link
Oooh! I'm good at that!
Feb 07, 2006 jexkerome link
How 'bout disappearing for a whole year, who? me? Can you do that?
Feb 08, 2006 who? me? link
it could be done!
Feb 27, 2006 Dark Knight link

They blocked the VO site from the school computers.

Feb 28, 2006 vIsitor link
Yes, yes--I know. They blocked the ASW boards too. Oh well, such is life.

Anyway, Dark Knight, how is the *ahem* "Operation" going in terms of preperation?
Feb 28, 2006 Dark Knight link
Meh. Haven't been on in a few weeks, actually. I'll get back on that as soon as I get my new computer (within a few weeks, hopefully. Mac Mini Core Duo FTW!).
Mar 01, 2006 vIsitor link

Oh, and if you can spare the time, perhaps we could meet and re-asses target priorities?
Mar 01, 2006 moldyman link
Wait a minute... If this is... then he is... and I am... >_>

Hmm... I wonder if "Genocide" has anything to do withwhat I'm thinking of...
Mar 01, 2006 vIsitor link
No Moldy, because what you're thinking doesn't make any sense -_-

I connot reveal our plans for security purposes, but I assure you that they do not include genocide.
Mar 01, 2006 Dark Knight link

Umm..... I need to make a call really quick....
Mar 01, 2006 vIsitor link
/me chuckles
Mar 02, 2006 moldyman link
Mar 05, 2006 who? me? link
ok i shut up for a week now tell me whats going on!!!!!
Mar 06, 2006 vIsitor link
Dark Knight is currently out of the game atm, but should be back online shortly. We cannot release sensitive information on an insecure channel such as this, but you could be PM'ed in-game once DK is back. You may not know his in-game handle, but just about anyone can tell if you're on--I'll pass it along to DK to inform you of our plans (just don't spill the beans, we'll know who the leak is if word gets out!)