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Now talk about highly improbable coincidences...

Jan 23, 2006 Dark Knight link
Heh. Would have gone in there today, but it was closed.
Jan 23, 2006 who? me? link
Dont go! its an ambush!
Jan 23, 2006 Dark Knight link
Psh. Considering that the computer lab is run by my friend's mother.... And said friend is in there every lunch.... And both friend and mother are blackbelts in karate.... And I'm not exactly defenseless either....

...I think I'm safe.
Jan 24, 2006 vIsitor link
...on the other hand, lunch is almost over and you haven't shown up at the lab.
Jan 24, 2006 moldyman link
DK, that's who? me?'s catchline "Yarr! T'was an ambush!"
Jan 24, 2006 who? me? link
thats [syn]n00b's catchline

mine is
i did
Jan 24, 2006 Dark Knight link
Yeah, I was home sick today. >.<

I've had some weird bug for like 2 weeks now. I think it might be flu.

Oh well, at least I caught up on sleep.
Jan 25, 2006 vIsitor link
So are you still sick, or will you be here to talk today? The sooner these Roleplay Matters are resolved, the better off both of our interests will be.
Jan 25, 2006 Dark Knight link
I popped in around 12:30, but I didn't see you.
Jan 26, 2006 vIsitor link
I was there, mumbling 'where the hell are you darknight'. I'll be in there today too, provided its open.
Jan 26, 2006 who? me? link
LOL do you two even know each others real names??

Jan 26, 2006 vIsitor link
Meeting successful.

Perhaps we can do business in the future.
Jan 26, 2006 moldyman link
Aha! I knew it! they were up to no good! Let me describe the scene for you...

"Ya got the stuff?"
*pats his briefacse* "Right here" He opens it up to reveal a suitcase full of Pocky
"good" *His counterpart opens up his suitcase to reveal Chucky Cheese tokens"
*They close the briefcases, trade and shake hands, walking out seperately*

Jan 26, 2006 vIsitor link
Circumstances may have caused a slight change in plan, Dark Knight, contact me when you can.
Jan 29, 2006 who? me? link
lol moldyman
Feb 01, 2006 vIsitor link

When all the water in the world cannot sink the boat, remove the sea the boat floats upon.

The one-armed-bandit seldom relinquishes what it has stolen, but a warrior of honor will show mercy to the wounded.

Although locked in mortal struggle, peace and war are intertwined. For without war, peace would fall to decay, and without peace, war would fall to attrition.
Feb 01, 2006 moldyman link
/me hopes this will finally drag vIsitor back into the game...
/me thinks a little...
Feb 01, 2006 vIsitor link
Gimmie a few more months, I should be able to convince my dad that subscribing to VO won't give the computer a virus before summer. (The irony is that OSX hasn't had a single major virus since its release).

Also, mind you, that when I do get back in-game, I'll be working overtime to make up for all of the lost time.

P.S. (Former)CO Moldymonk, would you do me a favor and help M'at crash the Pelatus Bunker Economy? Thanks.
Feb 02, 2006 jexkerome link
Oooh, I know a couple of nice and extremely profitable runs to that station...

*goes crash some markets*
Feb 02, 2006 Dark Knight link
"When all the water in the world cannot sink the boat, remove the sea the boat floats upon.

The one-armed-bandit seldom relinquishes what it has stolen, but a warrior of honor will show mercy to the wounded.

Although locked in mortal struggle, peace and war are intertwined. For without war, peace would fall to decay, and without peace, war would fall to attrition."

There must be an arm to drive the talons, and a heart to give life to the muscles that power the arm. Without the heart, the arm will weaken and fail.

I agree that your plan might work. However, the eyes are searching the shadows. We must wait for the talons to re-orient.