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Petition to poke crippledpidgeon until he finishes the serco backstory

Apr 18, 2010 Whistler link
No no no, we're poking CP, who is pining for the fjords.
Apr 18, 2010 toshiro link
Yeah, I think CP's gone for good... sadly. Much like ctishman, who was (as I saw it) the driving force behind this project.

Good times.
Apr 18, 2010 Whytee link
I just call it as I see it Whistler. And it is fully understandable, wasn't meant as critique. A re-writing of the story from a Serco point of view would probably take the better part of a couple of months and if it is something that is just going to be buried here or in the RP section, I don't see the reason to start. There are other stories to write.
It was merely an offer (a free one....!!) to help out.
Apr 18, 2010 Whistler link
I felt it was ctishman who was the driving force as well. He looks in occasionally, but I think it unlikely that he'll complete the task.

I think writing the backstory from each perspective would be great when the story is more integrated into the game.
Apr 18, 2010 Will Roberts link
And thus poke the Pidgeon nevermore.
Apr 18, 2010 Death of Rats link
Apr 18, 2010 Kierky link
*pokes CP*
Apr 20, 2010 Chaosis link
Hey, uhhh, can someone link to the backstory he was writing plz so I can read it?
Apr 21, 2010 toshiro link
It was written in a concerted effort, using a secure forum. It is down now and I have no access anymore. I think I posted my parts of it to the RP forum once, but I can't remember the others doing so.
Apr 21, 2010 Chaosis link
awww dammit
Apr 22, 2010 Kierky link