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Petition to poke crippledpidgeon until he finishes the serco backstory

Feb 19, 2006 Dihelical Synthesis link
Feb 19, 2006 MSKanaka link
Trust me, it's definitely a work in progress...

There are at least 5 or 6 people actively working on it trying to keep what everyone has written the same (or close to it) stylistically.
Feb 19, 2006 moldyman link

/me takes Miharu's hand and pokes CP *poke*
Feb 20, 2006 LeberMac link
I tire of this game. It's apparent that the Serco cannot even churn out propaganda on a timely basis, which is all their so-called "history" will be.
That's what all oppressive regimes do when truth casts them in a bad light - rewrite the history!
Feb 21, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
True. And thus, we have the *current* backstory. Drunken ass.
Feb 21, 2006 LeberMac link
It keeps it mouth shut or it gets the hose again!
Feb 21, 2006 who? me? link
lets make an correct version of the itani backstory then if thats what you think leeber
Feb 21, 2006 moldyman link
/me reiterates leberMac's above post and directs it at who? me?

"It keeps it mouth shut or it gets the hose again!"
Feb 21, 2006 MSKanaka link
*moves her hand slightly and pokes Erik in the eye*

Oops! ^^;

On another note... Very true, Lecter. Very very true.
Feb 21, 2006 Spellcast link
>>I tire of this game. It's apparent that the Serco cannot even churn out propaganda on a timely basis, which is all their so-called "history" will be.<<

So sorry leebs, Tell you what, why don't you come down to ohio and work on the house i'm remodelling, and pay me my weekly salary so I have more time to work on the serco backstory instead of taking care of my life...

then you can go take CP's and Toshiro's exams for them.

Then you can go do whatever it is ctishman does...

If we really were an opressive regieme I assure you that the propoganda would be out allready, unfortunately we are people with real lives and jobs and school and things like that who are, -despite all the other shit we have to do during a day-, still making some slow but steady progress on the backstory we are working on because we love this game.

We have to coordinate several people with widly different schedules (sometimes waiting a week for a request for a specific perspective on our message board) and match up what we feel incarnate will like. (he's not actively working on it with us, which makes it harder yet. we have to try to figure out a good balance that has sufficient points of similarity with the official story to be plausible while still getting the feel we are looking for)

The thread was good fun for a while, but I'd like to point out that there are no fucking serco in the damn off topic forum, we're people who play characters, and if you can't (or won't) decipher the difference you need to go see a shrink post haste.

I've spent a few half hours here and there working on the story that i could have spent playing VO because I dont have a huge amount of free time lately, so go sober up and get a grip on reality.
Feb 22, 2006 Cunjo link
/me applauds Spellcast

/... and pokes Leber
Feb 22, 2006 moldyman link
Hear hear, Spellcast. The poking was all in good fun until it became sour...

I'm sure the propoganda will be magnificent once done, much like Ghost's video, which we all waited very long in anticipation for. :) Good luck with the story!
Feb 22, 2006 terribleCabbage link
I rescind my previous poking, I had no idea there were active efforts to further expand the backstory.

Umm, keep up the good work?
Feb 22, 2006 LeberMac link
Oh good lord.... be nice... be nice... OK.

I was obviously "in-char" there, and if there's anyone besides Miharu and moldy that support good RP it's me. Instead of throwing in my usual *poke*, I thought I would give crip (and you guys) a little extra persuasion/motivation from LeberMac's itani rhetoric file.

So... retract claws, OK? Man. I apologize for the imagined affront to your lack of productivity on this group RP project. No offense was meant.
Feb 23, 2006 MSKanaka link
I'll be helping them as soon as CP, Ku Genin/ctishman and/or Toshiro give me something to do >_>
Feb 24, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Itani wench? Serco history? Now, what might be a problem here...

[EDIT] /me yawns... yeah yeah yeah, yodar, we know.
Feb 24, 2006 yodaofborg link
but I'd like to point out that there are no fucking serco in the damn off topic forum, we're people who play characters, and if you can't (or won't) decipher the difference you need to go see a shrink post haste.

May I add to this?

I'd like to point out that there are no fucking serco in the damn off topic forum, bugs forum, suggestions forum, windows, linux or mac forums, we're people who play characters, and if you can't (or won't) decipher the difference you need to go see a shrink post haste.


You know I need to see a shrink? Yay for me being crazy!
Mar 11, 2006 zamzx zik link
Bump! he says "soon"
Mar 12, 2006 Blacklight link
I'll be helping them as soon as CP, Ku Genin/ctishman and/or Toshiro give me something to do >_>

You can be my itani slave.... till they do give you something to do >:D
Mar 14, 2006 moldyman link
/me pokes Miharu

* poke* "Wok fastah!"