Forums » Off-Topic
SpaceBalls : golf on the moon.
golf on the moon. : Alan Shepard
Alan Shepard : German Shepherd
German Shepherd : sheep herd
sheep herd : warm
like wool.
because it is.
like wool.
because it is.
warm : leatherette
leatherette :: leatherman
Lets bring out teh boy scouts!
Lets bring out teh boy scouts!
leatherman : Swiss Army
Swiss Army : Oxymoron in WWII.
Oxymoron in WWII. : Military Intelligence
Not specific to WWII, of course, but hey...
Not specific to WWII, of course, but hey...
Military Intelligence : OSS
fyi, for those that dont know, the OSS was the forerunner of the CIA, the OSS was put together during WW2 and dissolved afterwards, by Truman, who then later decided that was a mistake, during Korea, and re-invented it, as the CIA
fyi, for those that dont know, the OSS was the forerunner of the CIA, the OSS was put together during WW2 and dissolved afterwards, by Truman, who then later decided that was a mistake, during Korea, and re-invented it, as the CIA
OSS : Open Source Software
And many other things, depending on context
And many other things, depending on context
Open Source Software : Dirty Anticorporate Hippys!!!!!
Dirty Anticorporate Hippies!!!! : Santa Cruz
If you've been here... you know.
If you've been here... you know.
Santa Cruz : SCO
IRS : so, what exactly did you do with my money?
so, what exactly did you do with my money?: fact finding mission to cancun.
fact finding mission to cancun : St. Andrews
St. Andrews : Cross