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Attention, Golds and Reds!

Dec 08, 2003 Forum Moderator link
This thread is beginning to look done...
Dec 07, 2003 furball link
I am personally behind the alliance when I'm in game. What does this mean for me? That I inherently do not trust Itanis. I will be more aggressive towards any Itani I see.

Any Serco/NT players I run into, I will classify them as non hostile unless they act aggressively/fire upon me. In which case that person and that person ALONE is classified as hostile.
Dec 07, 2003 Archon link
Don't go off-topic, guys. Don't go off-topic.

Very many seem not to like this newfound alliance.
Should we break the alliance...?

Golds? Reds? What do you think?

Dec 07, 2003 Celkan link
I have never considered myself as part of any "one" nation. My guild is my nation, and I am sure there are others like me. Just because I am on the council doesn't mean I am the most patriotic you can get. I was voted in. And if any of you have been here, and KNOWN me for a reasonable amount of time... you would KNOW that I have never been hostile to anyone without reason, and expect to be treated as such.

However, seeing that I am on the council... and the leader of what WOULD be an influential guild if players would actually use their characters... I am willing to mediate in peace negotiations.

Archon: just because a few Itani pirate the Neutral and Serko players does NOT mean it is fair, okay or RIGHT to grief EVERYONE on the Itani nation. I'm sure anyone with a decent brain in their heads would agree with this.
Dec 07, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I was trying to get that point out, but I think my words of choice are almost always faulty :(

ooh well, I just hope tha tit didnt create more internation hatred :(.

Dec 07, 2003 lunitary link
Celkan, you might not be hostile.
Never the less, you can never know if a blue player is a newbie or an old player, who shifted nations/name and is very good.

you CANT make the mistake of not looking at the itani as a nation, and forget that there are ideviduals there!

mabye that way, players like you will make the itani griefers stop!

if not then i see no way for the time being how this agretion will stop :|
Dec 07, 2003 Celkan link
"Never the less, you can never know if a blue player is a newbie or an old player, who shifted nations/name and is very good."

I think I've been around long enough for other players (that aren't n00bs) to know who I am and my style... (3.0.7 sound good enough for you?)
Dec 07, 2003 Archon link
Would you please STOP going off-topic!? DAMN IT!
Dec 07, 2003 Trigger link
[[]]_ (()) [[]]_

Dec 07, 2003 roguelazer link
Break the alliance! Slaughter each other! Mwuahahahahahah!
Dec 07, 2003 Celkan link
is it just me or was the first thing that came to mind when I looked at that ascii art was something VERY INAPPROPRIATE?
Dec 07, 2003 roguelazer link
Just you.
Dec 07, 2003 Magus link
"Golds? Reds? What do you think?"

-No, since the alliance I have noticed a marked decrease in Itani greifing and I believe it is due, in part, to our unity. Also, the Neutrals have never been better friends with the Serco. I have never been able to trade by myself in a sector with 7 Sercos and still feel safe. The Itani are still absurdly powerful, both through sheer force of numbers, stronger economy, and superior military hardware. If we lose our unity we will just open ourselves up to more agression. As Sir Frog would say: "If you lower thine guard, thou art but allowing the enemy in."
Dec 07, 2003 ctishman link
The alliance must continue if we are to put the Itani back in their place! Onward to victory!
Dec 07, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
The SDF strongly encourages this alliance to continue! The Itani must be stopped before it becomes a slaughter. Turning the Serco's and the Neutral Territories against each other plays directly into their hands, they out number us when we are divided but not combined. The allaince threatens their way of life and they are trying to dissolve it. We must survive. We're going to live on, we're goig to survive, today we celebrate our Independance Day! (cheesy inspirational music) (Cheers from pilots, hopefully)

[SDF] Black 1

The SDF is behind you alliance warriors!
Dec 06, 2003 genka link
They're not worrying about capping, as Magus said.

Oh yea, this alliance thing is dumb, it just makes it harder for red and gold n00bs and people to get around by making blue feel like they *need* to kill any gold or red they see, lest they be killed themselves. Really people, way to go and piss off the entire* population of vendetta.

*not really entire, I'm sure a bunch of people don't care much.
Dec 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Yeah, they did piss off the entire population. Blues get killed the second they leave 4. Golds and reds in turn get killed on site. Nobody can be non-hostile anymore. This kind of war will be fun once the universe and playerbase is larger. But for now, it's just too small for this kind of foolishness. And too poor.
Dec 06, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
The SDF will gladly cease hostility towards Gold on the terms that Arolte ceases hostile action against all SDF craft while this treaty exists. If he agrees, the SDF is in full support, Diplomatic Corps, adnd Fighter Corps as well as C-Int and Int Corps are behin dit 100%!

I also wish to point out that Renegade is quite wrong. Very few Serco's actively hunt down traders. We don't have too. On teh occassion we do destroy a trader it is usually because the trader was acting hostile to the person who ultimately destroyed it.

[SDF] Black 1

PS: SirCamps, the Serco Fighter Corps is now the 2nd largest to ever exist but still the most elite. The SDF has approximately 15-20 Active members, 13-14 fly tags. The exact SDF number is unknown since some don't fly tags and some claim to be in but haven't officially registered...the whole 9 yards...
Dec 06, 2003 genka link
woah... I don't think I was thinking straight when I posted this, sorry.
Dec 06, 2003 Magus link
Time to lighten the mood.

Yar, drop ye cargo.