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Attention, Golds and Reds!

Dec 06, 2003 CrazySpence link
Yea lets get those damn Itani! nothing but trouble makers! crush!!! kill!!!!!

wait a minute

stop it! leave us alone!
Dec 06, 2003 Jm262 link
lol crazy spence.

/me laughs at small pathetic reds and golds at their attempt to push us back.

I welcome you guys to try, you won't get very far, just like always. So anyways good luck.
Dec 06, 2003 electric27 link
What do you mean just like always? Whenever there's a frontrunner, they almost ALWAYS get pushed back. Gold was once THE dominating force, so everybody ganged up on gold and down they went. Blue was the dominator on more than a few occasions in the year that I have been playing, they got brought down, too. Heck (first time I've ever typed that word), sometimes red was on top, and we got brought down. It's just a cycle.
Dec 06, 2003 Magus link
Jm262, wasn't your character red up until the capping spree? Do I sense a bit of fairweather syndrome here?
Dec 06, 2003 Archon link
Indeed, Magus. Indeed.
Dec 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Don't worry about capping. Due to the fact that the devs are discouraging team capping (making bonus capper only) and discouraging capping in general (increaing bot AI with a scout bot, but not decreasing ships), I would't worry.
Dec 05, 2003 Magus link
Was it Archon's idea? I believe Sage of the gold nation proposed it first via teamchat. Or it might have been ZEAL. But in any event, an alliance has been brewing since Itani's capping spree, and it has mostly been a handful of golds and a few reds who have been trying to create and keep it together.

"The problem is those few Red pirates out there who shoot up golds. We need to watch out for them."
-I have suggested a policy of only fighting pirates in self defense or defense of convoys. Even pirates as notorious as Icarus. Consider it our rules of engagement.
Dec 05, 2003 genka link
Hey Icarus, thats "you're"

Yarr, all, regardless of color, shall be nicely asked to drop their cargo! Yarr!
Dec 05, 2003 Skyfox link
Lol, i've been semi-redfriendly since the reset. I know that this will probably the only way to effectively counter the Itani. I am freindly to all red, except those who attack/pirate me. -BladeStorm.
Dec 05, 2003 ahdinh2 link
Itani all the way. The reason we are "ahead" is because we were organizing B4 the reset so we have the edge in economy. Which will lead to great victories, and other stuff too....
Dec 06, 2003 Archon link
I and the other Serco veterans have still not gotten an answer from you, veterans of the Neutral Nation:
What do you say? Do you accept our propotion to ally?


Renegade RIP wrote: "Yeah sure, trust a pirate. A pirate would stab you in the back with the first possibility that he encounters. "

I am not a pirate, and I think we all know that. I left the Syndicate and my position as Second-in-Command there for the Defense Ship Guild, and I am now a full-time pirate hunter, even on "Archon".
Dec 06, 2003 Phaserlight link
/me signs

"Phaserlight" is henceforth non-hostile/allied to reds unless attacked.

Blue valks will be shot on sight *muahahahaha* :D
Dec 06, 2003 toshiro link
a) SAW also stands for Squad Assault Weapon (M249 by FN=

b) as i seldom shoot at people that have not attacked me, i shall continue this stance towards all but itani military mebers and such lot.

Glory for Serco! and... er... what was/were your deity/deities again, Neutrals?
Dec 06, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
am not a pirate, and I think we all know that. I left the Syndicate and my position as Second-in-Command there for the Defense Ship Guild, and I am now a full-time pirate hunter, even on "Archon".

archon, you and icarus have been shooting blue newbies that were simply trading for their cargo. I consider this pirating. I even call it noobkilling and a massacre in general. But Ill keep it at the first. The reason why you started doing it, was because we had more caps then you guys, and you were/are jealous.

You are lucky though that I didnt save the log, should have done it, then I would have had irrefutable evidence.

Dec 06, 2003 genka link
/me has irrefutable evidence that them n00bs deserved it!
Yarr! Tis every man for 'imself!
/me lobs off his own head
Dec 06, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

you are a known pirate and will do everything to back up your fellowpirate.

Besides, how can I trust someone who says that his biggest hero is icarus "what you did say genka :D". It will be evidently that you will back up the 2 plaintiffs, whatever the case is, due to you having a prejudged opinion "overlook the spelling please :D".

Dec 06, 2003 Trigger link
/me is non-hostile to reds unless attacked.

-Zio Matrix/Zeal
Dec 06, 2003 Magus link
"archon, you and icarus have been shooting blue newbies that were simply trading for their cargo. I consider this pirating. I even call it noobkilling and a massacre in general. But Ill keep it at the first. The reason why you started doing it, was because we had more caps then you guys, and you were/are jealous."

-The gold nation has been blockaded almost continuously since the infamous capping spree. Our n00bs can't trade and our vets are too busy protecting themselves to teach them how. I consider these tactics of total war and we will respond in kind.
Dec 06, 2003 Archon link
I swear, Renegade RIP is not telling the truth. I have never pirated anyone since I left the Syndicate.
Keep it on-topic, Renegade, and if you MUST reply, you could at least tell the truth! This topic has been adressed to Neutrals and Serconians, not the members of the Itani Nation, who you are one of.

To prevent Serconians attacking Neutrals or the opposite,
I encourage the players of both nations to spread the word that our two glorious nations are now allied!
Dec 06, 2003 SirCamps link
OK, this is the attitude that ticked off so many vets in 3.2, but we're holding it, so deal with it.

We are Serco fighter pilots preying on unarmed enemy transports. It's stupid of the Itani to think their transports can wander across space unprotected. Send escorts with them or prepare to be targeted and destroyed.

Rene, logs aren't "irrefutable evidence." Give it up, this is war.