Forums » Role Playing

Update Guild Page info here

May 17, 2012 Whistler link
Cool. It's done.
May 18, 2012 actionjjackson link
ONE would appreciate if you could demote Viper88 to Council member and Promote Keria Welliellium to LT.

Thank you much,

May 18, 2012 Savet link
Please make the following change for FAMY

Remove all current council and set the following:

Council & LT: TheRedSpy
Council & LT: YT-1300

Council: Deathzor
Council: Footballprophet
Council: Maxx Metal
Council: Aton Clavan
Council: Skrattybones
Council: yodaofborg
Council: Litestar
May 18, 2012 Whistler link
Done, but please both of you post the link to your guilds as per instructions next time.
May 19, 2012 Savet link

It doesn't appear the Council / LT positions are updated, only the members who are council only.
May 19, 2012 Whistler link
I've done those now. I don't recall seeing those the first time.
May 21, 2012 Espionage link
Hi Whistler.

Please do the following for the glory of the dominion:

S.O.V.E.R.E.I.G.N.T.Y > Member
Mr. Chaos > Council.

Death before dishonor!
May 21, 2012 Whistler link
Jun 14, 2012 mdaniel link
Hello Whistler,

Could you please do the following for VPR:

Promote "Ishathis Bessuni" to Lieutenant
(keeps the Council post).

Thank you!

Cdr. M. Duncan [VPR]
Jun 15, 2012 Whistler link
Jun 18, 2012 Neon Black link
Hello Whistler,

New Guild Description here:
[TRI] is VO's first guild dedicated to the relatively new skill of manufacturing. We're a group of players focused on establishing a consummate commercial enterprise in the verse's growing manufacturing market. We are run entirely to profit guild members and only ask that the products that our members sell are marked up 10% to go into the guild bank for capital growth and investment purposes. Ultimately we do not enforce this as a rule. We often work together on larger projects to increase efficiency and provide ongoing job opportunities for members.

Our pricing systems are based on real-world business and economic modelling, and include a full reflection of the effort and time put into every manufactured product. We do this because we believe the reason that manufacturing is not a prominent occupation accross the 'verse is because of peoples' inability to quantify the effort they put into their manufacturing projects and reconcile that with the considerably lucrative return). We aim to fundamentally change that with our innovative but non-binding pricing schemes. That means our members are the best paid businesspeople in all VO and are motivated to manufacture more and more.

[TRI] does not typically build to order or contract. We value our members' playing time and will not tolerate people demanding delivery of products by our members by certain dates or times. Instead of trying to regulate this with rules of contract and other ineffective mechanisms, we plan to hold regular auction events where people bid on our products. Our creations will be sold to the highest bidder, no questions asked.

TRI maintains a military wing to ensure our business interests are secure but only exercises its strength for the purposes of achieving and protecting business objectives and without prejudice towards other players and guilds. We do not care for guild politics, alliances or petty ideological differences, only that our members are able to make the most money and provide the best manufacturing services in the Vendetta Online Universe.

Guild site link:

Thank you Whistler!
Neon Black
Jun 19, 2012 Whistler link
Done. I fixed a typo and removed references to "game" and "players"
Jun 20, 2012 Neon Black link
Hey again Whistler,

A few more things. Will you make the following changes to the status of these members please?

Subsonica: add council seat to Lt. position
Cameraman4: Add council seat to Lt. position
Old Ben: Member -> Council
prinv: Member -> Council
Shalroc: Council -> Member
BoomerBob: Council -> Member
4shiva: Council -> Member

Much appreciated,
Neon Black
Jun 20, 2012 Whistler link

In the future, dropping a link to your guild makes things faster for me.
Jul 07, 2012 Whistler link
Jul 22, 2012 Espionage link
Hi Whistler. Please make our guild page:

Display our guild page:

and look like this:

The Red Eternal Dominion is a Serco military wing dedicated to the honorable furtherance of the Dominion and the total annihilation of the Itani Nation. All members of the wing swear a code of honor in battle to die before dishonoring their purpose. The guild takes a strict, honorable and pragmatic approach to Serco Nationalism that emphasises individual combat skill. The wing's organisation is strictly hierarchical and ruled by the partnership that created it between pilots Mecha Touriaus, Matriarch and Espionage.
Jul 22, 2012 Whistler link
Jul 23, 2012 neon black link
Hi Whistler. Could you change the guild site link to this one please:

Thank you,
Jul 26, 2012 Phaserlight link
It has been done.
Aug 03, 2012 Espionage link

DeepSpaceOne: Member to Council
Star-Scream: Council to member

The Dominion thanks you phaser/whistler o7