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5th October Release Date......

Aug 21, 2004 Black Omega link
Aug 21, 2004 stick link
Aug 21, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Thursday, August 19, 2004 In Progress..
This will be updated after the release date announcement.

Aug 21, 2004 Spellcast link
you will note that it doesnt say anything about how soon after the release date anouncement tho.
Aug 21, 2004 danielky link
um, since the release is so close, I have a few questions about people who don't p2p. I might not play for a few months after release, we'll have to see how it goes, but my question is whether or not you're going to allow people who don't p2p access to the boards. I now get on the boards more often than Vendetta, and normally we have tons of great off-topic conversations. Can you leave the beta-testers access to the boards even if they don't p2p? We all want to talk to the other people even if we don't p2p (well, at least I do) just to have stuff to do.

Anyways, cya people later, that's my question of the day.
Aug 21, 2004 Pyro link
Yeah, I don't know if I'll continue playing Vendetta (it was great back in 3.1.x, but I think it's gone in a different direction than the style of gameplay I like), but I'd love to be able to still get on to the message boards...
Aug 21, 2004 paedric link
"Pre-order promotions will be offered to Earth & Beyond users and *OTHERS*."

erm... would engine/BETA testers be considered "others"? :-)
Aug 21, 2004 Arolte link
Can someone explain me this Earth & Beyond thing and why they get special treatment? From my understanding the game was canned a while back by EA. Now they want to migrate its community into Vendetta? Was this a decision by Strategy First (partnership with EA?) or the devs? Just curious. Aside from sharing the same genre, what's the relationship between the two games?
Aug 21, 2004 AlienB link
It's good marketing, and since EnB is going down this September or something, they're hoping to grab as many leftover users as possible from it. Makes sense if you ask me.

Testers: I really wouldnt worry about your 'reward' for testing, I'm sure john has something in mind, being a discount, special tag, access to some secret forum, or something...
Aug 21, 2004 Phoenix_I link
"Testers: I really wouldnt worry about your 'reward' for testing, I'm sure john has something in mind, being a discount, special tag, access to some secret forum, or something..."

I'd be happy with an über death ray to enslave the universe......that sort of thing
Aug 21, 2004 danielky link
Yeah, I agree with Phoe.

:D Super-death-rays!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Aug 21, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
I would be happy with a truckfull of newbies and some real rpg stories and content...

I dont ask much, but that is what Im waiting for :D

Since the fetch this and kill this bot is getting to repetetive :D
Aug 21, 2004 Tilt152 link
I wonder if the guild system will get working along with removing the unlimited supplies in station before the stress test begins or the release for this game.
Aug 21, 2004 genka link
I wonder if the devs will finally see the amazing potential I have, and give me mega-powers.
Aug 21, 2004 AlienB link
I wonder a lot of things, 120% of which we'll have to see.
Aug 21, 2004 Spellcast link
i wonder if newbies are cheaper if you buy them by the truckful. what kind of a bulk discount do you get for them as opposed to purchasing them individually?


A release date is a good thing, that indicates to me that the devs have some new content almost ready and feel confident enough that it will function as planned to set a date for release.
Aug 21, 2004 raynes link
"Can someone explain me this Earth & Beyond thing and why they get special treatment? From my understanding the game was canned a while back by EA. Now they want to migrate its community into Vendetta? Was this a decision by Strategy First (partnership with EA?) or the devs? Just curious. Aside from sharing the same genre, what's the relationship between the two games?"

EnB was announced to stop operations on Sept 22nd. At the time when the closing was announced (called sunset by EA) the game had about 25,000 subscribers. Since that time John has recieved a very large amount of emails from former players asking about Vendetta. He took the time to go over to and post about the game offering to answer questions. That thread is now 5 pages long, has 112 responces, and has been viewed 3,684 times. More than most of the other topics there.

So to answer your questions:
Q1) Was this a decision by Strategy First (partnership with EA?) or the devs?
A1) I don't know the answer to that, but I am making an educated guess that it was John's decesion based upon the email and responce he got on ebportal.

Q2)Aside from sharing the same genre, what's the relationship between the two games?
A2) Well many of the players of EnB want to play a game in the genre. Currently the only real options are Eve and SWG. SWG doesn't really take place in space and your ship isn't your primary avatar (I'm not counting JTL as it's not out yet). So they are left with Eve.

What I used to describe the difference between EVE and EnB was that EnB was like checkers and Eve is like chess. EnB was more action packed, had more cartoon like graphics, and could be enjoyed if you only played for short periods of time. Eve on the other hand was something you had to take a long to to enjoy, the graphics we amazing (yet boring), and was lacking in the action department. Many of the players are left without a game due to the EnB sunset. Eve doesn't really cut it becuase of the lack of action in the game. This leaves them looking elsewhere. At the moment that is Vendetta.

As to what the games share?
1) They are both action based. Vendetta more action based.
2) They both have similar graphical environments.
3) They both will have elements of trade, exploration, and combat.
4) Both use mission to advance you. In EnB you got xp which went towards leveling your character. For each level you got a certain number of skill points. You would then use those skill points to earn skills. To get those skills you had to be certain levels, have a certian number of skill points, and take the appropiate mission. The difference between Vendetta and EnB in this area is that one you learned a skill in EnB, you didn't have to take a new mission to advance, you just had to have the skill points.
5) Storyline.
EnB had a incredible storyline and the game and it's missions reflected it. From what has been described by John, Vendetta will also has a storyline and it will be a important part of game play. Most games now the story is just something they threw on top of a game. Vendetta sounds to be different.

Above any of that I think that the customers that EA put out are still looking for a Space MMO. If Vendetta can sang any of those players it's worth the incentive to get them. As I said EnB had about 25K subscribers when the game was announced to shutdown. So there is a pretty good chance a special offer will snag some of them.
Aug 21, 2004 Arolte link
Thanks for the detailed explanation, raynes. I for one would be happy to see more players enthusiastic about the space combat and RPG genre. That was very nice of the devs to take their community in with open arms. Not only will it help Strategy First and Guild Software immensely, it just might help populate the universe more (much needed). I'm sure former Earth & Beyond players will be more than happy with what Vendetta has to offer, as well as the less-than expensive pricing options when compared to other MMORPGs.
Aug 21, 2004 danielky link
Raynes, after reading the entire ebportal post, you *are* the raynes on that site, right? From what I read, you are the same person, but I'm making sure.
Aug 22, 2004 furball link
Good deal! Glad to hear that there's a release date now.

/me gets the credit card ready for ordering. :)