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Are Itani...

Jun 02, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
still required to be level 12 to get a valk from themselves? Or are we also required lvl 10 for a valk now?
Jun 02, 2004 Eldrad link
I'm pretty sure it's still 10, 11, 12 for prom, maud, valk.
Jun 02, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
So basically that means that Itani are the last people to get valks? Rightt....
Jun 02, 2004 genka link
But for hellofa lot cheaper.
Jun 02, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
And money is a problem after you get an atlas?
Jun 02, 2004 Eldrad link
the money isn't so much the issue... as being able to buy them in your home station. Itani could fly a maud or prom from 6 or 12 to 18 as any other players can and exchange them for a valk. But that requires homing in gold/red's home sector then flying to 18 then flying back to where ever the action is... where as if you can buy them in s4 (anyone not just itani) then you can just home there and you're just a hop or two back to main space. Yes s4 is the hardest place to buy specials, but this is true for all players of any nation not just itani. All pilots can buy specials at the same levels.
Jun 03, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link

one thing most people that do use valks use sunflares with it. Unless you hauled a couple of sunflares to 4, you arent going to have that much benefit from it. A tachvult is just as good as a tachvalk. Its only because of the sunflares that it is hard...

When some people are on, you dont have a chance of trading because whenever they meet you they will kill you. And that is annoying :(. And well flarevalks or flaremauds really make it hard to survive if you are just cuting it with a standard atlas...

Anyway, I hope that the 7k sectors will be a start for the solution of this problem.
Jun 03, 2004 genka link
A valk is better armed, better armored, and is more mobile than a vult, regardless of the weapons load. Therefore a tachvalk is better than a tachvult.
Jun 03, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Also, NT and Serco Pirates STILL get valks faster than Itani folks...
Jun 03, 2004 Arolte link
Well Genka, I think the assumption is that the Vulture is much harder to hit. Which is true if used properly. It's the sunflare's proximity detonation radius that poses a real threat, especially when grouped in three. The same would apply for the Gauss cannon, with it's high autoaim and high damage capability. Both weapons need to be balanced, and will hopefully be by final release.

/me keeps his fingers crossed

Piro, that's not true. An Itani can get the Valkyrie just like any other nation. If they reach level 11 trade, they can grab a Marauder from sector 6 and trade it in for a Valkyrie in s18. If they reach level 10 combat they can grab a Prometheus from sector 12 and trade it in for a Valkyrie in s18. In other words every nation is capable of getting a Valkyrie once they reach the minimum special ship skill level.
Jun 03, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
1 difference in the second presumption is that itani cant be a criminal in the eyes of the serco ...

While the serco can still get the valk this easilly even if they are hated by the itani.

And well 11 trade aint that easilly attainable.

Genka, the vult is a lot harder to hit with tachs due to its slender profile. On the other hand if you use a dual gauss vult then unless they fight at like 50m(rammingdistance) a vult and valk are closely tied. But this all depends on the fighter and his preferences.

PS: im still in favor of making them dependable on missions, like a mission that you can take and for which you need to either get all the part by trading as by botting for some damaged compounds. So if you lose one, you couldnt just buy one.

And for the love of god make them unequippable with straight fire rockets, same for the marauder. Give the hornet some usefullness. Or add another port, and assign the gauss and the sunflare to that port. Give most energy the resemblance of a very small port. and the rockets then small ports. With the ability to put a small weapon in a higher level weaponport. Not vice versa though. --> this is however only for balancing purposes, and should be looked upon later.

Jun 03, 2004 Arolte link
Hehe, Renegade, I saw AgY take out your Hornet like it was nothing in s11 with his Valk. I tried to like that ship, I really did... but truthfully it's useless. Something of that agility and size won't do well with S-ports alone. Alas let's see what will be done about it later, if anything at all.
Jun 03, 2004 AlienB link
I really dont think specials should be available to other nations.
Jun 03, 2004 genka link
Harsh, but true.
Jun 03, 2004 danielky link
/me disagrees with AlienB.

As an NT player, having only a maud to fight in (as far as specials go) is totally preposterous (HAHA!! BIG WORD!). Even though most NT are traders/non-pirates, we still have many fighters. I fight to get the better ships (mainly. that's the only reason I fight) and in wars. Mauds are for trading. If you really want to fight, you need a valk, or maybe a vulture.

Besides, valks are awesome.
Jun 03, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Arolte... A serco gets a Valk easier than a Itani does, 'nuff said.
Jun 03, 2004 AlienB link
Itani and Serco both have capable fighting vessels. Prom needs to be a bit more on par with the Valk. NT's should _not_ be fighting enough to need a valk. You want a valk? Be Itani, want a prom? be Serco.

PS: Try fighting triflare maud vs triflare valk. The maud wins a lot more than you'd think, especially if the valk pilot tends to ram.
Jun 03, 2004 Eldrad link
A tach vult's a lot worse than a tach valk if the pilots are skilled enough.
The valk pilot just gets in close, and since it can turn faster than the vult pilot just makes sure the vult's never able to face him/her. It's a little harder with gauss since they're better at close range, so the vult pilot's got a better chance.

Due to homers the Prom just doesn't measure up to the valk.
I'm all for people who are admired by a nation being able to buy the specials there... though I guess I'm all for getting rid of starting nations at this point and having people start taking sides through their actions.
Jun 03, 2004 Arolte link
I don't think "homers" should be nerfed for the sake of the Prometheus or any other heavy ship. They're already hard as it is for taking down regular fighters with. If most players would learn to use their boosters early enough they can still be avoidable. Right now Vendetta lacks any form of effective guided missiles. Maybe locust swarm missiles are up to par, but everything else just strays off target most of the time.

The balance here lies within the ships themselves, not the missiles. Nerfing the missiles alone would only make them completely useless. I'd much rather see rockets disappear completely and have variants of guided missiles with different guidance systems (TV, IR, laser, radar, heat, etc.). The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to agree that maybe heavy ships need some type of optional ECM with the cost of cargo or weapon space. But only for heavy ships.

Anyway, sorry for going off topic. This is more of a suggestion than a general forum post. Eldrad made me do it I swear!

Jun 03, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
There needs to be a prom, valk and marauder for every race. the only difference is in their implementation. Any nation will want to fight, trade and show their muscle. And in my opinion it shouldnt only be the specials that show these differences, also the bus and every other type of ship should give it to us. Being a neutral shouldnt be the same as being an itani or a serco...

Special weapons to every nation ..., but still balanced agaisnt each other.

I know that this is a lot of work, and maybe even impossible to do, but im 100% sure that this is what most of us are hoping for.

Note -- unrelated to the topic:

Anyway eldrad,

a tachvult has a chance, but he needs to keep the valk from coming to close... Why do you think that I always kept a decent distance during dogfights. It gives you a bigger reactiontime and lets evasive manouvres shine. If you let them come to close then the only thing that counts is luck(first hit) and more hull. And we both now that that is what the valk has above the vult.

Dont alter the homers, they are for the moment really deadly. But this is just because I didnt have access to the medium engine - fast charge batt. For proms this isnthe only way to avoid them easilly. And dont forget everything should have an usage otherwise we could just as well delete it.

Arolte really, most people either use weapons with a high autoaim or use rockets with a big triggering. This is because it kills the fastest. And still, I had hoped that weapons without these adenda should be able to kill faster. We are going to make it about skill and not just drop or hold button and forget...

non worthy, but just as an illustration for people thjat liek to read nonsense :D
Like I once said, the itani are scientific people so they will have some gizmos that they could equip that other races cant have. there prom could be a tad faster because of their inherent scoutlike ability. their ships slightly weaker , less hullintegrity because of it, but with the advantage of science still balanced or maybe a bit more powerfull since it takes a more tactical approach. Look at it like the wizard in rpgs.

Serco should be the muscle people, hard hit and also can take a big beating, they are however a lot slower. comparable with the standard fighter/tanker in rpgs.

Neutrals, well average of the 2 they odnt excell in either, but they enjoy the benefits and handicaps of both, but however to a smaller degree. the thiefs and bards from a standard rpg.