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How about a REAL n00b sector?

Dec 05, 2003 Pyro link
Phaserlight, one problem. A bus can hold 6 widgets. The cargo goes for about 160 creds per. That means I make about 1,000 creds per trip. If each run takes me 5 minutes, I will make 12,000 creds per hour. At that rate, it would take me about 10 hours to get that trigauss valk. I don't know about you, but I don't have tons of free time. I can get on for maybe an hour a day, and that's it. I'm not going to spend all my time in Vendetta going back and forth from the sector 4 station. I sure as hell don't find it interesting to do that... I'd rather actually DO something.
Dec 05, 2003 Durgia link
ok spend one hour to get your 12k like I did right after the reset. Buy a decent engine and battery and go trade!!!
Dec 05, 2003 Magus link
Pyro, sell the bot cargo in sector 7. The price is deflated in 4.

"But I let 'em know about it and they'd usually be generous enough to back away or drop the cargo they stole."
-You're forgetting which nation you're talking about Arlote. Compassion and teamwork among Itani? Come now, at least 60% of that nation is only on to have access to and immunity from all the valk pirates that are cropping up.
Dec 05, 2003 SirCamps link
so go to 1, pick up the NPCDEF cargo, take it to 7, and sell it for pure profit.
Dec 05, 2003 Pyro link
Camps, what NPCDEF cargo? And Magus, that would at least triple the time it takes me to move the cargo, which would make basically any increase in profit useless.

Edit: Oh, I see what you're talking about, Camps... I'll try that later today...
Dec 05, 2003 Spellcast link
pyro 1 trip, 6 cargo x 120 credits each = 700 credits thats easily 6 propritary wigets. take them to sector 7 or 9 or 14 or 5 and buy some other low cost wigets. then with the proceeds from that run buy a better engine/batt and make a few more trade runs. It should only take you about an hour to have enough to do some real trading with a centaur or an atlas. Once you have your first 25k credits and a decent ship there are good trade routes out there. I tried this about half an hour ago when i started my SDF character in 40 minutes i was in a prommy to do my trading
Dec 04, 2003 Pyro link
Ummm... Yeah... Know what really sucks? When you just start after the reset, and you have 0 credits. You go to sector 4, and hope to make a little money killing bots. But WAIT! You can't! People in trigauss valks are killing all of the bots! So what do you do? NOTHING! You try to kill some, but they swoop in and kill them off right before you can! You spend 5 minutes shooting them, only to have them kill the bot in a split second, destroying all your hard work! Why won't they go to another sector and kill some better bots? BECAUASE THEY DON'T WANT TO. How am I supposed to play the game when I CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY? I sure as hell don't know... Pissed? You bet I am. That ruined it for me... How about a sector that only lets you in if you have a score below 10,000 or something? Note that the person who did this is in the number 9 ranking, has a 544 K/D ratio, zero PKs, and one death. Botters really suck when they don't let other people get kills in. Maybe the server should do something in the n00b sectors where if someone gets 5 or so kills in a row and it notices that other people are trying to kill bots, it should warp them to sector 17 or somewhere... It REALLY sucks to be unable to play because some asshole is killing all the bots and taking your valid kills. Unless you guys want this game turning into a n00b-bashing fest, you really ought to make provisions for helping them. What this guy did is no different to me than some jackass high-level character in EQ or whatever camping the spawn point for the little critters meant for n00bs just so he can get a few more EXP, when he could be out killing tougher creatures and making just as much EXP, while still letting the n00bs play. It would be good if there were more guides, with some who volunteered to watch the n00b sectors and warp anyone who was being a jackass. I know I'd volunteer to do it every so often.
Dec 04, 2003 Celebrim link
Move along. Nothing to see here.