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We should be welcoming new players, not bashing them.

Nov 11, 2009 Armonia link
Whistler: I'm getting irritated with the increased n00b-bashing of late. We all cry about there not being enough new players, and then we abuse them when they get here.

and he is absolutely right. with the promo out now, we should (hopefully) have a flood of new players. sometimes they're going to ask dumb questions, but us vets are here to help. We already have ONE Dr. Lecter, and that's more than enough.


Thank you for your time and reading this post,
Nov 11, 2009 Aticephyr link
Seconded. Absolutely seconded.
Chatter on 100 last night was pretty horrid newb-bashing wise. Quit the non-RP name-calling... I mean, we're not in elementary school anymore (at least I hope most of us aren't in elementary school).

New players are good (every single goddamn one of us agrees on that), but we have to treat them well to keep them.
Nov 11, 2009 CrazySpence link
I love newbs
Nov 11, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Me, too! They're delicious!

Atice: it's clear that some of our noobs are in elementary school. Case in point: See also:
Nov 11, 2009 blood.thirsty link
motion seconded,

We should all fly pink hogs and drop fresh flower cargoes all over grey space!

: ]
Nov 11, 2009 zephar123 link
I will tell you as a new player, being blown up I was expecting.

I have been here only three days and the message attacks you get afterwords for non payment are nasty. Some these players get personal. out of 5 pirate encounters only one Rped it.

I mean hard enough find players that when they get blown up go oh well and go about there day.

This is what happen to me my first day here. I am not going to mention name of pirate. If developers wish to know they may email me.
PMS of pay 500,000 or ill keep killing you. I replied back fact I had only 50k to my name and that I was new to the game. His reply was roughly that was my problem not his and kept camping me. that gave me a bad first impression especially since I was in Dau and blown up in whats suppose be a no fire zone. where after guy took a faction hit some reason he could still stay around. Atleast I think he was still around I don't know.
Fortunately for me Atice overheard some of the general chat and MSG me that they would come to help. Was not for that I would possibly thought wow all players are jerks in this game and quit.
Nov 11, 2009 Impavid link
You posted that dumbass thread in general that whistler locked and now you're having another go with extra whipped cream.

THIS IS WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED and I keep all my logs so I can prove it.

I blew you up 30 seconds after you ignored my hail (where I asked for 250k and said nothing else) with no response in Dau G-11. I did not take a faction hit because I'm well known to be KOS with the UIT faction and have been for 5 years. I did not camp the area you were in after your death because the Strike Force was about and frankly I had other things to do and better pilots to kill. I did not see you again the rest of the night.

So a griefer I am not. A pirate who asks for money and destroys when he doesn't get it? Yes, that is me, the epitome of a capitalist, and RPer without equal as well, ask the Vipers, they know all about it...
Nov 11, 2009 zephar123 link
was not you btw this was another guy. this guy ask for 500k btw.

You I just made another ship and went on my way. IF post that got locked I got confused on names I do apologize. As I do remember a 250k threat that night as well.

Once again with personal attacks what is it with you guys swearing all the time???
Nov 11, 2009 Impavid link
That was not at personal attack, it was a correction to your exaggerations. If you'd like I can post all of your 100 chatter from right after I killed you and we can all see the personal attacks...
Nov 11, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I told you how to use /ignore, what else do you want?

Also, you'll get fewer "message attacks" over 100 if you don't publicly trash talk the pirate. We tend to respond when engaged.
Nov 11, 2009 Armonia link
listen, i didnt want a flame throwing thread, i was simply stating to be a little bit nicer to the noobs. i definitely dont expect you to fly around in pink hogs and drop roses, HOWEVER, we need to make the new players feel welcome and entice them to stick around.

/me notices that everyone who has a rebuttle in this thread is a pirate. yes, we know you're out there. yes we know you're mean and have filthy mouths, but no matter what, VO needs to grow. keep that in mind when you pirate someone with licenses of 2/2/2. am i saying dont pirate them? of course not, piracy is a vital element to the universe, just ... be nice(er) =)
Nov 11, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
There's a limit to how nice anyone is going to be to a loud, inarticulate, hyper-touchy noob who can't roll with the punches. Especially when those punches are delivered in Grey Space.

There were plenty of examples of new people with a modicum of light flickering behind their eyes who have been on lately, and they have not had these sorts of problems.
Nov 11, 2009 CrazySpence link
My ships have been newb friendly pink for a week!
Nov 11, 2009 ladron link
There were plenty of examples of new people with a modicum of light flickering behind their eyes who have been on lately, and they have not had these sorts of problems.

I agree. There's a pretty big difference between noob-bashing and idiot-bashing. What we've seen lately is categorically idiot-bashing. The fact that most idiots are noobs is simply an artifact of the fact that most idiots don't last very long in this game.
Nov 11, 2009 Aticephyr link
Ladron... oh ladron.
What we've seen lately is categorically idiot-bashing. The fact that most idiots are noobs is simply an artifact of the fact that most idiots don't last very long in this game.

Do I have to throw the book at you?
Be Nice .... This area is meant to be a positive place for constructive discussion of the game. Flames and other rude behaviour will not be tolerated.

Seriously, cut it out.
Nov 11, 2009 CrazySpence link
Newbs, Join my gang and we'll kill anyone who looks at you cockeyed!
Nov 11, 2009 rg10 link
Every time I hear some new guy complain about getting killed by a pirate on 100, I think "They're pirates, what do you expect? Thats what pirates do. That is why this game has un-monitored space. That is one of its approximations of reality. No where is safe...blah blah." People can even RP homicidal maniacs. And most everyone else who has played the game understands this system. So when a new jock is upset on the general chat channel, if you really aren't "greifing" them, everyone else understands its just RP. They will figure it out after they stop crying. We don't have to validate ourselves by being defensive.

In light of the promo being released, it really is in all of our interests to dig in our heels and be as patient as possible with new players. Maybe some of them will get the hang of things, stick around, and give us all someone new to shoot at.
Nov 11, 2009 Roda Slane link
My turn?

Lecter, UIT KOS, deep in UIT capital space, killing newbs, at a station, running circles around the strike force... and we should blame... lector?... the newb?... or... the strike force?

Impavid... bla bla bla...strike force?

The devs go to all this trouble to attract all these newbs... but they won't fix the two things that have been broke for ages, and the most detrimental to newbs.

a) high faction standing players station killing low faction standing players with insufficient faction hit.

b) the strike force is a joke.

All the trolling and attitude and name calling is very secondary to the workings of the game. A newb can take a lot more heat when he isn't losing ships in the nfz. When a newb is losing ships in the nfz, it doesn't take but half an once of smack to set him off.
Nov 11, 2009 yodaofborg link
Ya know what? Today I killed some new players, none of them were very loud, and 1 of them even turned to fight! I drew him out of the NFZ and shot him up, I did not kill him.

You say pirates are bad, and evil in space is bad. Some of the most respected players in this game were *pirated* as newbs by me. Did they leave? No, infact they moved on to be some of the most *respected* traders and pirates and anti-pirates this game has seen.

This is not carebears online, this is vendetta-online.
Nov 11, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Actually, I'm not UIT KOS any more. I've been hunting my noobs in Grey lately, though I'll still take a faction hit to pirate an actual trader in UIT.

The strike force is a joke because chasing is a joke. Either make the SF into some sort of super magic force with gear unavailable to players (lame) or gut the ability of people to effectively evade and escape as a general matter (fine by me).