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My (unplanned) talk at the International Game Developers Association meeting (Madison, WI chapter)
12»We sometimes go to meetings of the Madison, WI chapter of the IGDA. It's an opportunity to hang out with other local game developers and talk about game-development-related problems. The video below is from this past February.
The planned speaker was late, as he was driving down from Frozen Codebase in Green Bay and we had a pretty bad state-wide snowstorm at the time. Some of the other locals, like Human Head, had to bail at the last minute for a critical meeting on the West Coast.. so when I showed up there was a room full of student-types, no speaker, and no other game-studio personnel (that we knew of, anyway). So I said I would try to ramble about something if our speaker didn't show. He did end up showing at the last minute, but once he wrapped up they wanted me to talk for a bit anyway (dangers of volunteering). So, here is the unprepared, off-the-cuff result. You can also hear Ray occasionally speaking off-camera from the audience:
The planned speaker was late, as he was driving down from Frozen Codebase in Green Bay and we had a pretty bad state-wide snowstorm at the time. Some of the other locals, like Human Head, had to bail at the last minute for a critical meeting on the West Coast.. so when I showed up there was a room full of student-types, no speaker, and no other game-studio personnel (that we knew of, anyway). So I said I would try to ramble about something if our speaker didn't show. He did end up showing at the last minute, but once he wrapped up they wanted me to talk for a bit anyway (dangers of volunteering). So, here is the unprepared, off-the-cuff result. You can also hear Ray occasionally speaking off-camera from the audience:
lets pwn some newbs LOL
I thought you were taller hehehe :)
Good thing that I weren't online that day. Maybe the others would have thought it should be x-rated^^
Good thing that I weren't online that day. Maybe the others would have thought it should be x-rated^^
Twas nice, thanks for the link Inc. :)
am i the only one who noticed he was flying a raptor in a training sector?
Cool stuffs, inc.
Uh, would you fly one of those piece of shit looking normal ships in a public setting?
well, someone has to....
And he already said it was unplanned;)
And he already said it was unplanned;)
You remind me of Rodney Mckay XD
I enjoy how the rules for pcc spawning that are pretty much all my fault got mentioned.
Nice to see "the backstory" :-)
Lookin' sharp Inc
Thanks for the vid. But what're you doing with mouselook on? You're really just embarrassing yourself :P
You generally want mouselook on when you use a mouse. :P
Great presentation, it makes me want to play again!
Great presentation, it makes me want to play again!
This is exactly the kind of open communication with the playerbase that you're talking about Inc, and part of what makes VO so special. Thanks for sharing some of your vision with us.
Why would you EVER want mouselook?
Because some people find it useful?
Except in turrets (that is, it's good in turrets)
Heh, like half our best combat vets use mouselook, smit. The other half use joysticks. The devs all use mouselook. But this thread isn't about mouselook.
Anyway, thanks everyone for the positive commentary. Glad it was interesting.
Anyway, thanks everyone for the positive commentary. Glad it was interesting.
apparently i must not exist because I am the best and do not use mouselook so neer neer.