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Current Guide system is NOT working

Jun 12, 2003 furball link
As the author of this thread, I would rather NOT see this thread locked. IMNSHO, it's too important for the community development to be locked. Instead, I'd rather see the off topic/flamebait posts either deleted or moved.
Jun 12, 2003 roguelazer link
Don't lock it... Just e-mail the bad posts to me ( and I'll put 'em up somewhere where their authors can look at 'em. Then carry on.
Jun 13, 2003 Turmoyl link
I'm of the opinion (and always have been, through over a decade of PvP) that trash-talking is an important part of the immersion factor. It adds flavor to a game and game environment, and why sholdn't you be able to flame someone when they do something really stupid?

Adding a "Care Bear" aspect to whatever Vendetta will be one day is honestly a factor that would keep me from taking part in a retail version.

Bad word filters are there for a reason, and if you are really bothered by getting killed (or killed repeatedly) then there is not a single PvP game in existence that will cater to you. If you find yourself getting that bent out of shape then log out for the night. Tomorrow's a new day.

I think that Guides should exist in a game system to deal with game-related player issues such as stuck in the world, "fell" out of the world, item poofed, etc. ONLY. At the very extreme end of their power I'm not against them taking action against an incredibly annoying spammer or anyone else that disrupts a game so far that everyone can see the negative impact they are making (like someone making incredibly lewd, explicit and unwanted comments to a female player or rl threats). Anything beyond that kind of intervention is unwanted and unneeded.

P.S. Every time you invoke PC God kills a puppy.
Jun 13, 2003 roguelazer link
Hmm... I was recently ingame and had a very nice chat with a guide. He wasn't doing anything to me, but I wasn't doing anything at all either (I stopped talking in chat just so I could talk to the guide). Anyhow, the guide actually seemed to do stuff (to other people) and make good decisions. Maybe the current guide system IS working. Just get more of 'em.
Jun 13, 2003 Pyro link
Yeah, the main problem that I see is that there aren't enough to give continuous coverage...
Jun 14, 2003 Forum Moderator link
RL: Exactly. The Guides are truly there to keep things cool. To date: NOBODY has been kick/banned, only 2 people have ever been muted -one by accident during testing (which was immediately rectified and apologized for - sorry again Khral) and another purposefully (though not for the duration it ended up lasting - sorry again SL). With the exception of the notorious "watch it" comment to Tantris/FB, all interactions have been quite mild-mannered and successful. You don't often hear the n00bs posting about how their questions were answered, nobody thanks the Guides publicly for saving them from crashed sectors way back when, hardly anybody mentions how a Guide gently reminded them to chill out when they were just making things worse for themselves. I realize that much of this is because the Guide commands were implimented to work "behind the scenes" - but please keep in mind that there are good reasons for this - not the least of which is the desire not to have an artificial "god" running around the universe. You may not agree with this, but it isn't the fault of the Guides.

Lastly, much misinformation and suspicion gets bandied about in-game. Odd occurances get blamed on the Guides, rumor and innuendo abound (consider: If the Guides and Moderators were as bad as some say, wouldn't there be boots and mutes all the time? Wouldn't all the negative posts be deleted?). Please try to rely on what you observe rather than what you are told by other users. Pay careful attention to those who spread misinformation as they may have their own agenda.
Jun 14, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Lastly, much misinformation and suspicion gets bandied about in-game. Odd occurances get blamed on the Guides,

It are aliens, aliens I say ;)

PS OT: Nice post FM, it hit the spot ;)!

Aug 21, 2004 AlienB link
Damn those guides.
Aug 21, 2004 paedric link
*MUST* we dredge up old posts AlienB?
Aug 21, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Times have certainly changed since June 14, 2003, haven't they?
