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Do yourselfs a favor

Feb 15, 2006 zamzx zik link
You guys seem to be just a little stressed out for the past week, so do yourself a favor : goof off some.
Enjoy the art you have worked hard on for the past six years or so!

Everyone loves silly ships and stuff zooming around blowing the crap outta everything, it'd cheer you guys up, and well...


everyone loves it!
Feb 15, 2006 moldyman link
Feb 15, 2006 Person link
So, according to my translation of it...


He wants the devs to give us all Bunchie's UFO and the superbus???

Hmm... OK! Sounds cool!

Feb 15, 2006 zamzx zik link
noes! I'm reminding the devs life is for living ....


Whatever the hell. something like that.
Feb 15, 2006 moldyman link
Ah, I get it now. "Devs, take a breather, a break, a short vacation. Relax, sit back. You guys have done so much and we appreciate it, but you deserve a break?" If this is close to what Bg is saying, right on. I've been saying that ingame for a while now.
Feb 15, 2006 who? me? link
everyone's been saying it, and so far nothing has changed. if however the devs did take a break imo people would be like get back to updating!!!111!! etc.
Feb 15, 2006 UncleDave link
this is a really bad time to take a break.

i would say that a 9-5 working week for a while would be LIKE a vacation. and we'd still get the new ships and finished client... after that, things are gonna cruise. we hope.
Feb 15, 2006 zamzx zik link
erm, I mean break as in...

taking an hour or so to just screw around. (perhaps once every few days)

or like you said, dave.
Feb 15, 2006 sarahanne link
NEVER! They can't stop! They have families to support.
Feb 15, 2006 who? me? link
yeah get yer butts bustin!
Feb 15, 2006 zamzx zik link
Blagh, I hope that was a joke, Sarah.
Feb 15, 2006 Spellcast link
considering she's the family in question, I suspect you can assume it was zam.

Feb 15, 2006 RattMann link
Actually, I think Zam's original idea is good. Take a "mental health day" (or two).
Drink some beer, eat some pizza, sleep in the next day, etc.

Everyone needs to do that sometimes !!!
Feb 16, 2006 momerath42 link
I went out with friends on Sunday, and we all took some time for Valentine's day. I'm feeling less burned out than I have been for some time. Thanks for the sentiment, though :)
Feb 16, 2006 sarahanne link
I didn't get any time for Valentine's Day. :P ( I have a 2nd job teaching night school so I was also working)

Seriously they have to keep plugging away. This game has to become stronger and retain a larger player base soon and I'm not talking about a Guild soon (tm).
Feb 16, 2006 momerath42 link
Aww :( Yea, I actually didn't put in much valentine time, yet, because Amy is sick. As sarahanne says, we are in crunch mode even more than we normally are.
Feb 16, 2006 sarahanne link
Unless- zamzx zik is an "angel donor" who happens to have $750,000 lodged in the cushions of his couch.

Feb 16, 2006 stranger link
Ether I'm getting way to nosy or I'm loosing control over my paranoia and reading way too much in between the lines or there is an actual "finantual issue" going on.
Feb 16, 2006 sarahanne link
no, it was just an amount that would let guild hire like 3 artists and 15 programmers for a year. To make things go faster.
Feb 16, 2006 LeberMac link
Hrm. Yeah, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
So, go ahead and take some days, looks like this thing is almost done anyway.

As soon as the mission editor begins churning out missions, we'll see a ton of stuff methinks.

Oh, wait, they're still working on the mission editor? Hrm. Well, get back to work! >:P