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VO Beta5 Bug Reports

Feb 11, 2006 incarnate link
Please post any bugs / crashes here. Continue to post "suggestion" type content to the other thread in the Suggestions forum.
Feb 11, 2006 yodaofborg link
Hmm, dunno if this has been pointed out before, but changing res eats the chat history, or anything that forces a reload of textures, sure, its a minor bug, cos once you settle on a res, there isnt much of a reason to change it, but its there.
Feb 11, 2006 incarnate link
Yeah, I don't think that's really a bug, it's just an aspect of reloading the whole interface.
Feb 11, 2006 Woodstock link
still cant use the F9 and F10 keys in space to view ship

Woodstock, Commander UIT Vessel YellowBird
Feb 11, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
When you change the resolution the station disappears.
Feb 11, 2006 Doukutsu link
Same thing that happens to BoxCar happens to me (either in the login screen or sitting in a station). Also... my HUD is gigantiomegalargeous. I noticed you said something about HUD scalability in this one in the news post, but I couldn't find anything like that in-game. Also - mouselook on/off seems to have dissappeared... was it off before? Maybe I just didn't notice it until now.

In the new character creation screen - when you choose a name - if that name has been taken, it takes you back to the user login screen with the error message sort-of ghosting there.
Feb 11, 2006 roguelazer link
Torrent? I mean, don't get me wrong, zarniwoop gives me 820 KB/s (6.56 Mbit/s), but I still like torrents...
Feb 11, 2006 roguelazer link
With a 256MB GeForce 7800 GT, it autosets visual quality to "Low". Somehow, I doubt that to be the correct behavior. And I can no longer set texture resolution to "Very High".
Feb 11, 2006 GRAIG link
Got a "SetVideo Mode Failed Line 34" thing in my error log.

build 8G32
MacOS version 1044
This is a Power Macintosh with a processor that I am unaware of: 0x0000013c
Hardware: (18 100:PPC 970) PowerMac12,1 @ 1899 MHz, 1024 MB
[Sat Feb 11 12:18:02 2006] SetVideoMode failed, line 34
Fatal Error: Couldn't open window.

Is there a way that I could set it myself?
Feb 11, 2006 roguelazer link
Also, station menu and charinfo (inflight) menu both look extremely ugly at 1280x1024. Station menu goes offscreen on the right side, and charinfo menu is taken up 3/4 by the "Accomplishments" area and has tiny little areas for everythign else.
Feb 11, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
I can't set texture resolution to "Very High" either.
Feb 11, 2006 Klox link
More things that are lost when changing resolutions: the current station tab selections (I changed resolution in space, then later docked), and your navroute is lost too. Loosing the navroute and chat log are just plain annoying. I change from windowed to full screen often (changing resolution at the same time to compensate).

The Accomplishments section in charinfo is too large at many (all?) resolutions. While the new badges look nice, I think they need to shrink back to beta4 size.
Feb 11, 2006 Blacklight link
The auto complete tab thing does not work, esp. when you try to invite someone to be your buddy

and when you switch between group health bars, and ship health diagram thing, it reverts back to the group health bars with in a few seconds, does the same if you jump to another sector/system to
Feb 11, 2006 incarnate link
Rogue: As I said in the newspost, the visual quality autodetection doesn't work under linux OpenGL, and it defaults to using the 32MB settings. I'm guessing you're running Linux.

Everyone: There is no "very high" texture setting anymore, we renamed everything. High is the same as Very High used to be.

The Accomplishments stuff is still under development.

Douk: can you post a screenshot of your HUD being gigantic?
Feb 11, 2006 Dihelical Synthesis link
This was a bug I discovered in Beta4 last night, but saw nothing related mentioned in the changelog for Beta5 - I don't know if you've fixed it yet:

whenever grouped with other players, the Radar and targeting gets messed up. By messed up, I mean that a few other people not in the group will appear as white dots on radar (grouped, and targetable from over 3000m away) including NPCs and other hostile craft (even have had random station guards, and opposing Border Patrol bots show up as grouped) while the actual members of the group sometimes appear as green or red dots. This results in much confusion, especially in group conbat, when the Radar contradicts who's who and what is actually happening. I've shot and nearly killed red-dot groupmates, and nearly been killed by white-dot NPCs who were able to sneak up on me, me thinking they were friendly. The issue was consistent, and happened frequently enough to be a huge problem (maybe 1 in 3 characters to enter a sector were grouped erroneously)

Changing back to the general release client was necessary to fix this.

Also, the damage indicators of group members always appear as green, despite the level of damage they've taken, and seem to randomly load or un load themselves contrary to the group members state (in or out of sector - the damage meter will linger after a group member leaves or dies, or might load when the group member is not present and an NPC enters the sector, only to flicker out again, or fail to show at all when group members are in sector and nearby - this adds to the confusion of the Radar)
Feb 11, 2006 raybondo link
Like Incarnate says, anything that looks wrong is much easier to show than to say. Take screenshots and get them to us, either online and give us a url or email them to us, preferably to me.
For example, if the HUD sizes are wrong, take a screenshot.
If the radar blips are the wrong color, target the wrong colored player/bot and take a screenshot with the target info visible. If the station interface is too wide/tall, take a screenshot. Preferrably with the tab that caused the problem active.
To take screenshots, either use the printscreen key and paste into an imaging program or type /dump in either the console (make sure the offending info is visible and not behind the console) or type /dump in the chat edit.
Feb 11, 2006 mgl_mouser link
This has happen to me a couple of times.

There's a layering issue with windows piling up on top of one another. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if they weren't all frickin translucent but this fact adds to the confusion.

Eg, you can easily get to a situation where you have the Sector List, Map and Options dialog when in-flight, all piled up. To get rid of them you have to do the proper escape sequences (either escape, or whatever key that toggles whatever screen).

I think that if you have any window/panel up on screen, you should be able to open up another panel until it's dismissed. it's really anoying to hit 'n' for map, then Escape to get rid of it but instead end up with the options dialog on top.

Oh, and I still occasionally see numbered pilots in sector list. They seem related to the pirate corvus bots.
Feb 11, 2006 Shapenaji link
The Corvus NPC pirates don't go away, they just keep building up in sedina B8. This is fine for a while, but there are currently about 50 of them, just sitting there.
Feb 11, 2006 Doukutsu link
Here's the huge HUD I was talking about:

Maybe I'm just used to a smaller hud (it was like 1/4th the size of what it is now). Is this what everyone else usually sees?

Sorry about the huge size.
Feb 11, 2006 Dihelical Synthesis link
unfortunately, the screenshots I had snapped of the phenomenon were never saved for some reason... my screengrabbing application must have been one of the things that got killed during the client crash that afternoon.

Still, I would think that 'white vs red/green dots on radar' is self-explainatory... the radar was reporting ungrouped units as grouped, and vice-versa