
Vendetta Online's buddy system allows you to keep track of and communicate with other players who you've made friends with online. You will be notified when any of your buddies come online, and you can leave messages for buddies who aren't currently logged in.

Buddy Commands

/buddy invite "name"

Invite another player to be your buddy.

/buddy accept "name"

Accept an invitation to be a player's buddy.

/buddy decline "name"

Decline an invitation to be a player's buddy.

/buddy remove "name"

Remove the specified player from your buddy list.

/buddy list

Lists all of your buddies, both online and off.

/buddy online

Lists all buddies currently online.

/buddy note "name" message

Leaves a message for the specified player.

/buddy last "name"

Reports when the player was last online.

/buddy notify [on|off]

Enables/disables buddy login notification.