Your Character

License Levels

As you participate in the world of Vendetta Online, you will gain skill points in four categories: Combat, Light Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Commerce. Your government will monitor your skill progression, and once you've reached a high enough level, you will be offered a license test (which consists of paying a nominal fee.) Higher license levels grant you access to better equipment and more advanced missions.

Once you've gained license levels, you can never lose them. There are no penalties for having your ship destroyed (except for the monetary cost to replace it.) However, you can lose skill points by attacking a player who has much lower license levels than you. You will be warned before any penalties are applied.

Faction Standing

There are thirteen factions in the Vendetta Online universe. Beyond the three major nation factions, there are nine corporations loosely affiliated with the UIT, and one pirate faction, Corvus Prime. The nation you start out with determines your standing with these nations; Itani and Serco pilots will not be allowed into each others' territory, though either can travel into UIT space. You can improve your standing with any faction by completing tasks such as missions for them.

Unlike license levels, however, faction standing can go down. Most factions have zero tolerance for combat in the vicinity of their stations, and you will lose standing if you attack anyone (even enemies) in this space. You may also lose standing if you fail (or abort) certain missions, but this will be minor compared to the penalties for attacking someone.


Accomplishment medals may be awarded to you for exemplary behavior. Many statistics, such as the number of players you've killed or the number of users you've mentored, may merit an award once you've proven yourself worthy.

Other Statistics

Many other statistics about your character are recorded and available to view either in-game on your Character Information screen or on the Vendetta Online web page.