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The free Gear VR version [HELP!]

Feb 12, 2021 ManFromEarth link
As some of you may know, Oculus dropped GEAR/GO support for the Quest 2 so it no longer works to download the apk from the GEAR VR store and sideload (I get 1 more bytes missing error)

Does anyone have a backup of the GEAR VR version of VO from when it was still supported? From around 2019 ish? Because that will still work on the Quest 2! I just can't find an apk anywhere even though it's free.

It would help the VR / Quest community a lot (and I want to experience VO in VR! :] )
Feb 13, 2021 Ohm link
It never worked on the Quest 2, and nobody has a working APK for you. Unless GS update the game to work with Q2 (and that might be out of their hands), then you will never have a working native version. Best you can have is play via the link cable, using your PC as the client (the Oculus PC version works well apparently, but I don't have this setup so I cannot help with that).

VO has never ran on a Quest 2 native, only the Quest 1, as the Quest 1 is backward compatible with Go/GearVR apps. Oculus made the decision to release the Quest 2 without this feature, maybe go badger them to add it? You can get the .apk from the Oculus store using tricks like an Android emulator configured to report itself as a GearVR (and this is the very same APK most have, that is not updated since a long time), see - but when I did this I still had to pay the $3 or whatever it was, as the client is not free on Oculus store, it has never been free there either.

Your only option for playing VO on a Quest 2 is via link cable using the Rift client. No other method will work no matter what files you get.
Jul 20, 2021 ManFromEarth link
I know it's not supported by the Quest 2 but I've had succes installing GEAR apk's with the older versions when GEAR VR games was still supported for the Quest 2 - like Minecraft GEAR VR version 1.16 so if someone had an older version of the GEAR VR game, it should work.
Jul 20, 2021 ManFromEarth link
Managed to get Vendetta Online VR 1.8.405_V154 to work on the Quest 2. (had to disable wifi to prevent it from updating)