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PSA: GearVR version of Vendetta Online works great on Quest

Jun 10, 2019 jasonofthestorm link
Just want to let everyone know that VO works great on Quest. I sideloaded the APK from the GearVR version, paired a bluetooth controller, and bam. Works perfectly as far as I can tell.
Jun 10, 2019 KingHerla link
Where did you download the GearVR APK? I've only been able to find the Android version.
Jun 13, 2019 jasonofthestorm link
Ah crap, good point. I've become pretty confused by the different pricing and subscription models for the different platforms, but a closer looks tells me you're right, it's a paid apk. You do need an account for anything besides the offline training though.

Sorry to break any rules! I deleted the link with the apk. I've been really wanting to see what the Quest is capable of and it's great to know that Vendetta works and runs well on it. It would be amazing to have official support but considering how tightly curated Oculus is making their platform, I wish all devs good luck :(