Forums » iOS

Here are some advise that I wish to make progress on IOS

Mar 01, 2014 Jack Steven C. link
1.hope players can adjust every button's
size and place themselves
(especially the two fire button,the right one is too inside to tap<iPad> and I really don't know how can I control the turret)

2.and can adjust Radar,chat display area, target information and ship's information 's display size
(all are tooooo big that occupied too much space of screen)

3.hope players can select cancel tactile feedback

4.Visual quality can not be change(always custom) and Texture resolution can not be save(I need to re-select it to very hight each time I enter the game or it just Medium)

5.the most hope of IOS players is improve the quality of the game on IOS(it's too suck compared with which on PC;especially ship's quality)

That's all.
it's really a nice game as we know but we hope urs could adopt these advise and make it better!