Forums » iOS

Use Controller on Ipad

May 22, 2013 Ote Tola link
Ya got me hooked good VO :) However I would cut off some toes for a good controller to use on the iPad .. no I am not asking that you create a controller for the ipad.. I realize that I would have better luck asking my imaginary friend to build me a house... Realy I only want to know if when I can finally unteather jailbreak my ipad ( I have ios 6.1.3 and have to wait for ios 7 apparently ) if using my DUO controller or Ps3 controller can be made to work for this game.

I have watched videos on how to set up these controllers on the ipad, but don't want to get my hopes up they will work for this game. If it turns out I waited patiently for months, and do the song and dance for getting the controller set to work on the ipad, and it don't work for this game... Well I might just send angry letters to God ;)
Jun 05, 2013 incarnate link
We'll support controllers on iOS as soon as it's officially possible to do so, which interweb-rumors imply will be sometime soon (?). Without that, though, there's no real framework where we can grab controller data. I'm not sure how a jailbreak solution would work, but I'm reluctant to burn much developer time on something that would be unreliable and only usable by a tiny fraction of people.

I hope Apple does add official controller support sometime soon.
Jun 05, 2013 Ote Tola link
Indeed Sir. I sent an email to them(Apple) like I hope more people do. The jailbreak solution I am referring to is an app you can get on the ipad after you jailbreak it called Blutrol. It allows you to take a screenshot of the game as you play it with the controls on the screen, and then map the controller functions by placing the controller buttons & joysticks (represented by graphics) on the screen where you need them.. even lets you enlarge or shrink the affected areas... so say my left fire button I want to be "X" on my controller.. I place the graphic for the "X" button over that spot, and now my "X" button will activate that area on the screen. Joystick circle areas on the screen get the joystick icons put over them, and you extend the hit area to cover it.

In that fashion you can use your XBox, Ps3 or Duo Gamer controller, on many games for the iPad that uses on screen controlls.... At least thats what I see online :) .. Have to wait to see how well it works.
Jun 13, 2013 ETD001 link
Looks like ios 7 has official game controller API. WOOT
Jun 13, 2013 Ote Tola link
Yea I watched what they streamed live at the WWDC and seen that on one of the slides in the background.. I got all giddy ;) .. Looks like I wont have to jailbreak after all... Now its just a waiting game.
Oct 22, 2013 Atheme link
Controller support was officially released with iOS 7. From what I've seen of comparable controllers, they are a similar layout to the PS3 controllers.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE develope support for controllers on iPad VO?
Nov 17, 2013 Ote Tola link
I ended up letting my account expire without paying for another month (months ago), but have been being patiently waiting for both a controller to come out that utilizes the ios7 new baked in controller support, and watching the "news" section of this website; looking for developer notes that at least suggest that adding that controller support is on the horizon... So far waiting for both has been a long ordeal indeed, & any new information on either has been like looking for a black hole in the lightless dark.

I find touch screen controls(or worse, using just the keyboard and directional buttons for navigation) seem to spit in the face of the potential this game has to offer.. especially with its awesome non atmospheric style of flying.. GOF2 should feel shamed for making us fly a spaceship like a common f-16... Vendetta ... I implore you to add the support for the gaming controller feature now baked into ios 7, or at least let us know (assure us) that when the new controllers finally become available to us iPad folk , we will be able to enjoy Vendetta with a controller complete with two joysticks as the universe intended.

i realize back in June you stated here on this thread that you would support iPad controller support when it becomes available, but now that ios 7 is out and the new controller api has been included, I have yet to hear any mention of it in the developer notes for the"news" section... perhaps that is in part to the fact doing so would make all the PC and android fanboys raise their pitchforks and torches at you taking any time from your already cramped schedule to address us iPad/iPhone people; which is understandable btw considering the controllers haven't even been released yet, but I implore you to let us know that it will be something you will be addressing now that the information it is out about the built in controller support for Apple devices ........... Oh and Vendetta..... (slowly falling tear) I miss you.. cant wait to come back when I can enjoy you on my iPad with a controller...

Now if you (Vendetta developer) have been saint enough to read this whole thing... WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! You should be working!! .. Remember your tv is the devil & full of retarded bullsh*t that you are much better than. Sleep is for after you are dead (Tossing you some 5 hr energy), and the only way for you to reach true inner peace will be to see this game through to its impending glory!.

Thank you
Feb 13, 2014 MFiGamer link
For Vendetta Online GameDev,

Let me explain,
i'm the Admin of several official Apple Game controller forums,

Just like to inform you Vendetta is a "great game" and i feel will benefit greatly in iOS downloads/sales if it had official iOS game controller support, as this is a hot area of popluar interest for iOS Gamers.
mfi4gamerz have been monitoring GC supported game releases and it's is roughly 2 Games every day since they where released back in Oct2013, this number is growing everyday and Game Devs more and more are showing support for these controllers, Game list now stands at around 200!

Now compare this to iCade controllers.
iCade = 197, duration = 2 years.
Officail = 197, duration = 4 months.
Some forum users have posted you intent to support GC, but recently we have had requests to remove your game from our listings as there is no official support for Vendetta Online yet.
Please reply as i say.. i feel you would benifit greatly from this new opportunity & growing area in iOS gaming.

Feb 26, 2014 incarnate link
We have implemented controller support, but we were drastically delayed in testing (external reasons), and then further delayed in the release process for various reasons (similar external issues).

We are aiming to release it in the near future.
Mar 28, 2014 Ote Tola link
That is awesome news! I have myself a new iPad Air with Vendetta downloaded and a mfi controller.... Now I wait patiently... Hopefully not for too long.. I miss this game.
Jul 03, 2014 incarnate link
This has taken far longer than ancitipated, and I apologize for that, but is still in the works. We're a very small team supporting a game across a very wide variety of platforms, and iOS is really our most "delicate" to update (if something goes wrong, we can't immediately fix it, unlike the vast majority of our other platforms.. so we're careful to test things first elsewhere before we update iOS). We expect a major iOS update in the coming weeks.
Jul 10, 2014 Ote Tola link
Looking forward to it!
Dec 22, 2014 Styles Bitchly link
Has there been any progress on this?
Jan 24, 2015 incarnate link
Yes, we've had newer builds on Test Flight for some time, as announced in the last newsletter and some previous newsposts and such. The Test Flight signup is here.

Again, it's taken a lot longer than expected, but because iOS is so difficult for us to update, we're a lot more careful on that version. We would rather have something old-and-stable than new-and-broken, and it takes a solid week to push updates (as opposed to.. instantly, on Android).