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Keyboard support

Dec 11, 2021 BellatorChrist link

I am trying to use a bluetooth keyboard on android. While Vendetta does accept the up down left right arrows on my keyboard for directional in flight navigation, it does not accept any alphabet keys for navigation. To further confuse the matter, I can hit "m" and it will launch the mission log. "n" launches navigation. But hitting "c" to fire secondary weapons, or "a" to strafe left, doesn't do anything. Don't know if anyone else has this problem. I'm using a Samsung Tab S7+.
Dec 12, 2021 Luxen link
lets verify that you aren't setting up the controls with shift or anything, right? Capital and non-capital letters are differentiated.

If you could show us your keyboard configuration? Just take a screenshot and upload it to imgur or wherever, and link it?
Dec 12, 2021 BellatorChrist link
No I figured out that you could capitalize and so all the keys I'm trying to use are lowercase. You can see my setup here
Dec 14, 2021 Luxen link
you linked a "private" reddit forum that only people with an invite can access. Could you repost it somewhere more available, like Imgur or even the Vendetta Online SubReddit?
Dec 18, 2021 BellatorChrist link
Sorry about posting in the wrong spot. Im new to reddit and didn't realize I had made that post private. I figured it out tho and I wanted to make sure eveyone knew in case they run into the same problem. For whatever reason my onscreen third party keyboard was messing everything up. Instead of using the Samsung keyboard I was using swiftkey by microsoft and I think Vendetta was treating it like another input method and was trying to make me use a mix of the onscreen keyboard and the bluetooth physical keboard. Swiftkey specifically will pop up a toolbar at the bottom of the screen to help out with autocorrect and clipboard stuff when a physical keyboard is connected. My advice is to use the Samsung keyboard that comes preinstalled or whatever keyboard that comes preinstalled on your device. Otherwise you need to find a way to make sure that no keyboard or even part of the keyboard pops up whenever you type using your physical keyboard. Also make sure that you have all touch look settings and touch throttle settings turned off. I will repost this on the Vendetta subreddit with screenshots.