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Setup for DroidButtons

Mar 21, 2021 RRuslan1999 link

I offer my own version of DroidButtons configuration. As you know, the fields in the plugin have some problems, for example, problems in working with turrets. My version uses the standard interface, on which new buttons have been superimposed on top. In this setup, all problems were eliminated.
Description of buttons:
: :: ::: - Fire buttons for primary, secondary and third Groups.
A.Fire - Auro fire toggle.
Turbo L. - Turbo lock toggle button (Infiniturbo plugin).
:T: - Fire lock button (tfire).
Secror, Group, Target, Guild - Chat channels ("Target" sends msg to your target (Quick Reply plugin)).
GTarget, ChTgt, GrTgt - Sends target info to Guild, Channel and Group chat. (Target Binds plugin).
Attack, Patrol, Follow, Fl. Tgt - Commands for capship.
T.Speed, T.Stack - Turbo speed and turbo stacking mode toggle (Infiniturbo pkugin)
Jett Auto Jettison toggle.
Honk - Honks (Honk plugin).
C.Radar - Sector cargo list (Cargolist plugin).
1, 2, 3, 4 - Enter turrets (Terrethop plugin).
Sensor - Sensor log.
Taeget - Nearest front enemy.
Turbo, Srop - Turbo, Brakes.

To install this setup for yourself, download this configuration file.
After that place this file in Android/data/com.guildsoftware.vendetta/files/settings/ YourCharacterNameFolder/

Attention! There is a chance that the setup will not fit your screen size.
The setting was created on a 5.5-inch screen with a HD+ resolution.
Mar 21, 2021 draugath link
This is the second time I've heard of problems with turrets and DroidButtons. The first time I wasn't given any specifics, and when I jumped into an NPC Constellation to test them, I didn't notice anything being wrong. Could you elaborate on what is wrong fields and turrets?
Mar 22, 2021 RRuslan1999 link
draugath, When entering a turret, the DroidButtons' field aim is inverted. This problem was with me, as well as with many of my friends. I tried different versions but the problem was not solved. There is also a problem with distance control during strafe. I'm sure I set everything up correctly.
Mar 23, 2021 draugath link
I'm moving discussion of DroidButtons problems over to the DroidButtons thread.