Forums » Android
Equip / Unequip / Unequip All
A small explanation of how to use the Equip and Unequip buttons on Android might make things smoother for new players. I'm used to drag and drop from my pc experience and only just figured out that I had to select the port and addon and then the button would become select-able. Perhaps a pop up screen with directions that can be opted out of after the first time when a player goes to that pda screen? Or triggered by some other screen event?
you can drag on android too, but since its a crapphone, its much harder.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to do on my phone! picking the item up is easy, dropping it in just the right spot is almost impossible with my fingertip! Or expand the area that is reckognized for ports so that an average finger will work.
But now that I know how to work the system, it is very easy, as it should be.
But now that I know how to work the system, it is very easy, as it should be.