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dev request: could you put in a sensitivityadjustment option for the moga controllers?c

Jan 03, 2013 superdesi link
just.a request: I'm playing with powera's moga controller.and I noticed that.even if I just slightly nudge my controllers left joystick to move, my ship on screen swerves in the direction I pushed the joystick in. as I began to notice the sensitivity was way off, I tried going in the control settings but I only see a calibrate option. I triedplayingaround with the calibration but that didn't seem to help with the sensitivity. right now I can take down beginner and intermediate level drones but anything higher just destroys me. Is there any way the devs could put in a sensitivity option for the moga joystick on the android versionof VO so players could fine tune their playing experience? thanks.
Jan 04, 2013 incarnate link
Unfortunately, no. We can't work around that via any method in the Moga API. I asked about that when we first implemented it, as I too have the sensitivity issues with the controller. It does still work pretty well, and I've found I've gotten better with it over time.
Jan 04, 2013 superdesi link
Thanks for the reply incarnate. do you configure the calibration settings for each joystick on the moga controller to a particular setting? or do you leave them at default? it's actually pretty fun to play withthe moga controller but the sensitivity is so bad that a tiny flick causesme to go swervein that direction. it wasn't as bad when I first started playing but the sensitivity problemseemed to grow worse the more I kept playing. also do you recommend disabling flight assist mode?