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HTC Rezound

Feb 09, 2012 Growlor link
Just got this working today (the phone had issues, not VO - had a slight issue with a fried SIM card.) I then installed VO and proceeded to run the tutorials. Seemed to work petty well (sad thing is it looks BETTER THAN MY LAPTOP despite the tiny screen.)
The tiny screen really does make doing anything fancy tough. I noticed that the virtual joystick seems to over-correct for me (then again I have never had luck in any game with a joystick, gotta try my BT mouse later and see if that works better.)
Not really a big fan of the 3rd party PoV, since I am so used to the 1st person mode, it seemed to make things harder, but need to figure out how to switch to 1st person and try that.
Feb 10, 2012 abortretryfail link
You might have trouble with the BT mouse, since the Android OS doesn't provide any way for the game to "grab" the mouse cursor yet. It might work with a BT keyboard though.

Try /viewtoggle to switch camera modes.