Forums » Android

PS3 Controller

Jan 03, 2012 loosecannon80 link
Is the PS3 controller supported? If so, how do I set it up?
Jan 04, 2012 incarnate link
The following:

1) You need a device running Android Honeycomb 3.1 or better (includes Ice Cream Sandwich). Only these OS builds support joysticks.

2) Use an adapter to plug into your device. THEN run the game. The game launcher should detect the presence of a gamepad and offer to use it by loading the game a bit differently.

3) Once you're in the game, you need to go into Options -> Controls to configure the gamepad. Axes and things are under the "Joystick" area, where buttons are assigned through the "Keyboard" area. The Controls menu is not the most pleasant or well-laid-out interface ever.. we know. It is what it is for right now.

Eventually we'll have defaults for a lot of the common cases (PS3, Xbox, etc), but not as of yet.