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10 trillion seconds till loggoff

Sep 05, 2011 don661 link
After loosing 1million credits worth. I finally am mad at this...

Suddenly spawns at 134849327348227 meters away from wormhole
10 seconds to log off
20 seconds to log off
13474 seconds to log off
2743917 seconds to log off
237402274755922 seconds to log off
23759227453822755927 seconds to log off
248491274955722848558271023830028 seconds to log off
Then after a long haul with a moth full of stuff. I log back in. And I have died.
Sep 07, 2011 incarnate link
What kind of device is this? Any sort of unusual OS running on it? It sounds like something is.. very strange with the clock. Which isn't usually very easy to do with our game, as we synchronize to the server time.
Sep 08, 2011 don661 link
I have nothing else running on It. I (would have) completed the hive combat assessment (4 times). But right when I go back to the station issuing it automatically says 3000m to jump.
And all controls are infunctional. it usually goes to a glitched-spinning type orbit And if I'm in a wormhole sector I can see my self away from it with over a 15-digit number.
Sep 08, 2011 Maalik link
I had something similar happen with the clock to me at least once well over a year ago on mac. Unfortunately I can't remember the circumstances. Don't think there was any random spawning or death. I'd guess that it might have stemmed from a connectivity issue on my end.
Sep 08, 2011 incarnate link
don661: Is this on a Xoom? Or some other device? Are there any accessories in use, like a bluetooth keyboard?
Sep 08, 2011 raybondo link
That's very strange.
Try rebooting your device and see if it still happens.
Does it happen all of the time, some of the time, or every once in a while?
How long after logging in does it start happening?
Sep 09, 2011 incarnate link
Also, are you using wifi to play, or the cellular network?
Sep 09, 2011 don661 link
Yes Its a xoom.
No keyboard
It happens about every half hour
I use wifi.
Rebooting it didn't do anything.
Happens at random times, especially when taking a mission.
Sep 09, 2011 don661 link
I don't think it has to do anythig with the clock. if it Was un-synchronized It would give a large number. In my case, it rapidly climbs in numbers. (my theory).
Also the 10-second timer for /explode does that too
Sep 09, 2011 incarnate link
Are you overclocking your Xoom, or running any OS other than Motorola's own bone-stock Honeycomb?

Have you done the factory update to 3.2, by any chance?

I've played quite a lot on my Xoom, and never seen anything like this.

Have you tried it with the Xoom plugged in to the wall? That may sound strange, but if the device is changing CPU clock speeds at some battery life threshold, to conserve power, that could screw up our timers.
Sep 10, 2011 don661 link
I have it automatically set. I dont know where it gets the information from. But most of the time it is correct. I pluged it in, nothing changed. 3.2 is installed. I have a video recording program that works, would it help to (somehow) get a video across about what it looks like?
Sep 11, 2011 incarnate link
If it's convenient to do, sure?

Is your Xoom on the Verizon network, or other cellular network? I know you say you're using wifi, but I mean, does it have a sim card installed for a cellular network? If so, have you tried removing the sim card, and playing like that? Sometimes if a sim is present, the clock source will be the cellular network and can jump around unexpectedly.. which shouldn't mess up the game, but I'm just trying to come up with testing options to help us reproduce this.

When we talk about the "clock", we don't necessarily mean the wall-clock time that the device displays to end users, but rather the internal CPU "heartbeat". A human being is unlikely to even notice a second of disparity, where software can sometimes react poorly to even milliseconds of time slowing down or speeding up. Sometimes this can happen when CPUs go into power-saving modes, is continually doing a hard-resynchronization to a remote clock source, and so on.

Anyway, we don't even know if it's related to that at all, it could purely be a bug in the game itself, but it is rather strange that I've never seen it on my own Xoom. Is there any specific kind of mission that exhibits the problem more than others?
Sep 22, 2011 don661 link
I have uninstalled Tcs. And it has not glitched within a week. I don't know if this is the problem but it fixed it.
Sep 23, 2011 incarnate link
Interesting. Didn't realize you had any plugins installed. Normally that would have been the first thing we recommend trying (running without plugins). That's still pretty bizarre that a plugin even could cause that problem..