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Steering on touchscreen improvement

Aug 15, 2011 hoodvisions link

I am using a 10.1 inch galaxy tab with Android. Still it is very hard to steer with that small circle.

What about getting rid of the steering circle to the right on the hud? Instead it would make a lot of sense to be able to tap *anywhere* on the screen and steer by dragging the finger into a direction. You could maybe even add tilting etc. by using a second finger etc. or stay with the accelerometer. Strafing could then be easily done by using that circle, but have it on the left instead and for strafing only.

It is *very* hard to actually use the small circle for steering with a huge thumb anybody above the age of six has ^^ and there is only left/right steering.
I think by making the user able to steer by just tapping anywhere would do a lot!

Plan B: bigger steering circle.

Aug 17, 2011 Lord~spidey link
I like the idea but i think tablets will always be limited compared to keyboard & mouse/JS the idea has merit, I don't know if it would improve it very much yet but I haven't tried it on tablet/smartphone yet so i'm not 100%
Aug 17, 2011 hoodvisions link
Of course a TS will never get close to mouse & keyboard, but I know a few games that use the steering method mentioned (though only one game where u actually steer) and it's great when you aren't limited to a small on-screen joypad which u cannot feel. Would be awesome if I could steer from anywhere on the screen :-)
Aug 17, 2011 vskye link
This should get moved over to the Android forum.
Aug 18, 2011 Whistler link
Aug 18, 2011 hoodvisions link
Hm. So "suggestions" are limited to pc users only? :-(
Aug 18, 2011 dotmaq link
Think it's more that this is rather android specific (tho there are some pcs with touchscreesn actually)
suggestions forum is more for gameplay then technical stuff maybe.
Aug 19, 2011 hoodvisions link
Ok agree. Though I get the feeling this has been put into some dark closet in the basement or so :-)