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Framerate dies in windowed mode.
Arr, im running x86-64 gentoo with a 2.6 kernel, and while fullscreen the fps is fine, if I run it in windowed mode its absolutely horrid, updating the screen a little less than once a second or so. This is with xorg/xfce4. Im fairly sure this is related to something in vendetta, as the various unreal tournament and doom games, etc all run fine in a window.
Perhaps your Voodoo Banshee just can't keep up :)
On a more serious suggestion: Could it be colour depth related?
On a more serious suggestion: Could it be colour depth related?
Yeah, what is your X color depth and what is your VO colordepth?
good point. I shall have to check it out.
hmm, both 24.
hmm, both 24.