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manual patch updates
I'm running Vendetta on an AMD64 system running Gentoo compiled for 64bit goodness. I was able to run Vendetta in 32bit compat mode by running the binary directly (cd ~/.vendetta && ./vendetta) until the patch that was released last night. Now I can't connect because my protocol version does not match.
How can I obtain and play this patch? I am currently unable to run the binary that was installed to ~/bin, as it requires gtk, which I don't have 32bit libraries for.
How can I obtain and play this patch? I am currently unable to run the binary that was installed to ~/bin, as it requires gtk, which I don't have 32bit libraries for.
That was foolish of me ...
emerge app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs - solves it.
emerge app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs - solves it.
Oh, ahh. Thanks for posting; this is probably what LowFuel needs (except in RPM form)
Awesome! I will try this now.. :D
i have knoppix 3.6 installed, what should i do. igot the problem with the updater , it said "protocol version doesnot match the server", i dont have update.rlb in my ~/.vendetta/ , is there any solution , LowFuel use emul-linux-x86-gtklibs, is there any debian packages
mah, are you on a 64-bit system?