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Latest Version?
Running vendetta, I noticed that it lists the latest changes as being 3.3.17 in the update/play vendetta dialog.
Does this mean I'm not running 3.3.20?
Does this mean I'm not running 3.3.20?
The latest changes are on top. 3.3.17 changes are on the bottom.
Weird... I could have sworn that the numbers went lower the higher I looked. I was pretty tired last night though.
The updater only tells you what version you're actually running at the time of an update download. Otherwise, it just displays the "message of the day" file on our update servers, which may or may not be up to date with the latest version we've released (it's edited by hand whenever we get around to it).
Generally speaking, if you can play the game on our server, you have the latest version.
Generally speaking, if you can play the game on our server, you have the latest version.