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Running VO on Linux ARM, supported or not!

Dec 21, 2023 abortretryfail link
So, you've got yourself one of those immensely popular Raspberry Pi computers or one of the various other SBCs, tablets, laptops, etc. with an ARM CPU, but you want to play Vendetta Online?

It doesn't seem like the devs have any intention of releasing a build of the game for this OS and CPU combination in the near future, but there is still a way to make it work.

Enter Box64

Box64 uses dynamic recompilation to translate AMD64 instructions into ARM opcodes in real time as the program runs, linking to native libraries for things like graphics, sound, and user input.

Install it via your package manager of choice (or build it from source, like I did), install Vendetta Online as usual via the Linux 64-bit shell script, then start the game with box64 prepended to the command line:

$ cd ~/.vendetta #needed for Box64 to find the libraries for some reason.
$ box64 vendetta
Jan 16, 2024 SuperTranca link