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Rock Candy Wired Controller no steering
Hello all. I bought a Xbox 360 wired controller to use on my pc (Ubuntu 16.04) In game calibration and xpad calibration show perfect movement of the left joystick or x axis I think, yet in game I cant get it to do anything. It wont steer the ship, it wont strafe, it wont do anything. The right stick works fine for strafe but no steering, and the calibration values are pretty much identical. +/- 1 digit. Is it the dead zones or something simple im over looking in frustration?? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have that controller on a PC with Linux mint. After setting up in the options menu seems to work fine. Possibly you could try editing the config file to setup.
I'm just guessing, that the joysticks on the pad are recognized as Hat switches by the game so they work like digital 0/1 switches, not like the "regular" sticks' continuum values between 0 and 1. Did you try mapping the stick directions to the axes? The joysticks on the pad allow only 1 direction movement only? So left is only left/right and right is only top/down? I havent seen this device, so that's why I'm asking.
Have you turned mouse look off? Goto options and controls and make sure Joystick mode is on (or press the ; key) - a joystick wont turn you if mouselook is on.