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Dual Monitor Problem Using Ubuntu 8.10

Feb 27, 2009 Empirecrzy241 link
I am having problems getting Vendetta to work with my dual-screen setup. I can get it to display across both screens, but I cannot get the game to load up in only one screen when the second monitor is connected. Just wondering if anyone knows if I can change some settings or something to get it to load up the way I want it to...
Mar 10, 2009 Innocent link
I have a similar setup, hardy heron kubuntu. 8.10 I think.

I have an Nvida GeForce 8800 GTS, with two 1280x1024 monitors, configured TwinView, one X server.

My config.ini has these lines in it:

VideoDriver=OpenGL Reference GKGL driver

The game runs great across two monitors, but the HUD is annoyingly placed right in the middle of the two screens.

Whenever I change the resolution in config.ini it is changed back to the above whenever I run VO. If I switch to windowed mode, I get a window on the left monitor, but I can only see the left half of the game, which is still running in 2560x1024 res.

Is there a way to offset the HUD ?

I can probably set up an alternate X mode with only one screen active, but this is not ideal, and switching between them will be a pain.

Is it possible to force OpenGL to only use one monitor ? It obviously only sees the virtual size but can it be overridden ? This is a recurring problem with OpenGL games running on linux.

Any help appreciated!
Mar 22, 2009 j0rus1 link
I have got a Nvidia twinview setup myself with a 21" (1600x1200) & a 24" (1920x1200).
Using the following line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the "Screen" section:

Option "MetaModes" "1600x1200,1920x1200; 1600x1200,NULL; NULL,1920x1200;"

With this line present I can display the game on the 21", 24", or across both by selecting the appropriate resolution in-game. I generally run Vendetta @ 1920x1200 which turns off my 21" and displays full-screen on the 24".