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Want to play Vendetta at the university

May 22, 2003 DieMumiee link
The only way to get out of the computer pool is the news, https, ftp and http port. I access my home machine through a https tunnel. It would be nice to set a different hostname and port. Is there a way to do this, without changing vendetta?
May 23, 2003 asphyxia link
Setting a different port would definately be out of the question as the Devs over at "the Guild" would have to make code changes to the server (thats like asking microsoft to stick their website on port 3000 because port 80 is blocked your end), not doable.

I kind of get the idea that if your uni blocks most ports, then its for a reason.

You may be able to hack up something with a vpn over some open port but.... well.... go read.

May 27, 2003 kriss link
Actually, no. You do not have to change the server code. What you could do (as an end user) if you could change ports, is reflect UDP packets. I'm sure there's an utility for this. Latency would probably be bad, however. I'm fairly sure 53/UDP would be allowed outbound from the Uni. If he/she doesnt run a named on his/her home machine, it's no sweat reflecting thatmachine/53 to/from vendettaservers/whateverportitis
May 28, 2003 asphyxia link
thats true, good idea..

you are right tho latency would be a b**ch...

if you can get a reflector, then nmap will be your friend in determining what ports you can leave the uni with.

Can you change the client's (vd's) server settings though?
