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Change Linux Updater

Apr 29, 2003 GooZ link
Hey Devs ... Can you change the linux updater to gtk2 ?
Apr 29, 2003 The Kid link
Apr 29, 2003 GooZ link
ein ? why no The Kid ?
Apr 29, 2003 The Kid link
Some people don't have gtk2.
Apr 29, 2003 Drooling Iguana link
What would be the advantage to changing it to GTK2? It seems to do its job just fine the way it is, and since user interaction is limited to those three buttons at the bottom, I don't think that the widget set makes a whole lot of difference. It could be done in Athena and still work just as well.
Apr 29, 2003 GooZ link
only visual and performance improvement.

Change it to gtk2 is not dificult ... there is only advantages.
Apr 29, 2003 Chameleon link
I'm a GNOME2 user and fan, but I thikn I have to agree with Drooling Iquana here. It could be in TCL/TK and do just as well.
Apr 29, 2003 a1k0n link
If gtk2 is mature enough to the point where most people have gtk2 and not many still have gtk 1.x, then I'll switch. The updater is just a lowest common denominator application. The decision of libraries to use has everything to do with installed userbase and little to do with performance or looks. Of course, we also have to be reasonable with development time/ease of integration with our code, so glade/gtk was the most attractive option for rapid development as opposed to, say, Xaw or TK or whatever.

I was statically linking gtk for a while just to reduce the library requirements for the game, but I think it's safe to assume everyone has gtk 1.x now. I don't know whether it's safe to assume the same for gtk 2.x. It seems like it might be reaching that point, but I don't see a point in changing now.
Apr 30, 2003 asphyxia link
if it aint broke, dont fix it IMO. It does what it's meant to do, and does it well.
May 02, 2003 roothorick link
Hell, how about a terminal updater? Better yet, how about one done in GL? Reduce the number of deps, ya know? Believe it or not, I've met KDE users that don't have any GTK installed at all. Ah hell, let's just do the updating in-game!
May 06, 2003 KingFido link
gtk2 can rot in hell.
end of statement.
May 06, 2003 KingFido link
hm, somehow i doublepostified. no need for double damnation, no matter how bad gtk2 may be,
May 06, 2003 asphyxia link
hear hear

/me give a faint smile of appreciation.