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Sound "vibrates" and Freeze on Exit

Apr 09, 2003 TiredWarlord link
Hi there,

when i start the game, the sound "vibrates" and comes not parallel to the actions i see on screen. I got the same problem mit Q3. But when i edited the amount of soundbits to use (in q3config.cfg: seta sndbits "16" {now changed to "8"}), everathing worked fine. Does anyone know where i can change it in this game? Hopefully it will help.

when i want to exit the game in order to return to desktop, the screen freeze immediately. But the system doesn't crash (of course it doesn't -> it's linux ;-) because i can terminate the XServer (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) and restart X again. Thats not a nice solution.
When the screen freeze, i also can change the resolution (CTR+ALT+NUMPAD'+') but i can't get to any xterm to terminate the process.
Does anyone know, why my screen freeze? And how i can make the game not to freeze on exit?

Apr 09, 2003 roguelazer link
What is your CPU, gfx card, sound card, you OS kernel version (2.4.x, I hope) and your XFree86 version?
Apr 09, 2003 raybondo link
There's no option for 16/8 bit sound quality in Vendetta.
we do our mixing at floating point quality and then convert it to 16bit for the sound card. I suppose it's easy to add 8bit quality mode, but I don't think it would gain any speed for you.
But if it's a problem with the sound card drivers, then there may be a slowdown.

The freezing on exit problem may be with your video drivers. We've had other people crash on exit but we haven't nailed down what's causing it.
The closest thing we found was lod DRI drivers are horribly broken on cards with no hardware T&L (radeon 7x00, matrox Gx00, voodoo series, etc...)
Apr 09, 2003 TiredWarlord link
CPU: AMD K6-2 500MHz
Card: MGA (Matrox G400 16MB)
Sound: 128PCI (Terratec)
OS: SuSE Linux 8.0
Kernel rel.: 2.4.18
XFree: 4.1 (dri,glx)

Following Games are running without any problems:
Apr 10, 2003 TiredWarlord link
When it's not too much work, please add 8bit quality-mode ;-). It isn't the question of game speed. The Hardware acceleration works fine. Only the sound crackles. That was the same problem as in Quake3 (i described above). After tuning the soundbits from 16 to 8, the sound works fine, too.
What do you mean with "T&L" (don't understand)?
I don't think, that it is a problem with my graphic card or driver. Because I listed above the games I could play without any problems with fully opengl-support (and Q3 runs faster as it runs under Windows).
Apr 10, 2003 a1k0n link
I'm pretty surprised that the Terratec doesn't work properly in Vendetta. The reason that Quake and Vendetta work differently than, say, XMMS or any mp3 player is because they mmap /dev/dsp. Apparently your drivers don't honor the 16-bit stereo format when you do this, which I'm pretty sure the card should be capable of.

We can add an 8-bit sound option, that's not a big deal. It won't be done very soon, though... For the moment, you might want to try using ALSA if you aren't already. It supports the Terratec 128i PCI with the es1938 driver.

T&L means texture & lighting. Yes, the problem is definitely with your sound drivers, but we should provide an 8-bit mixer.
Apr 10, 2003 TiredWarlord link
OK. I will try to manage this myself. That shouldn't be a big problem (I hope ;-).
But what about the freezing screen on exit? All I can do, is to terminate the X-Server (an restart it). Maybe, I could log into my linux from another computer to kill the vendetta-process. But that doesn't suits me well, too.
What can I try to do with this problem?
Apr 10, 2003 a1k0n link
The freezing thing is pretty weird. I have no idea what's going on, since the X server appears to be functioning at that point. Is the vendetta process still running when you exit and it freezes? Try switching to window mode in the video options and see if you can get at an xterm when you exit.

We don't forcibly confine the mouse to the Vendetta window; Vendetta just resets the cursor to the center when you're in flight. It doesn't do that in the menus or the console. So you should be able to pan around on your desktop even if Vendetta locks up as long as your X server is still working.
Apr 21, 2003 TiredWarlord link
When I change from X to console (with ALT-CTL-F1), the Vendetta-Process is still running. When I kill this process, ich can return to my X-Server and work further.

But it is not possible, to use the mouse under X when the game freezes. The mouse-pointer is catched within the game. I play the game in Fullscreen-Mode. And when it freezes, i am able to change the resolution of my X-Server (ALT-CTL-NUM+/-), so that the vendetta game-windows looks smaller. But then i cannot move the mouse outside the window-borders. :-(