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Installing the game

May 18, 2005 Chikira link
I was just wondering how I install Vendetta on Kanopix (Linux)

May 18, 2005 ctishman link
[moved to Linux]
May 19, 2005 mr_spuck link
Copy into your home directory. Open a terminal and enter:
cd ~
hit enter enter y

To run the game enter: ~/bin/vendetta

Optionally copy ~/bin/vendetta into your $PATH (/usr/local/bin/ for example). That way you can start vendetta simply by entering "vendetta" in a terminal. Or create a launcher in your Desktop environment of choice and point it to the game.

(I wonder if the installer could distribute a *.desktop file to make the last step unnessary)
Jun 08, 2005 neonprophet link
Remember though, whatever your linux account login is will also be your VO login, make sure your not in root when you install it ;)
Jun 09, 2005 wylfing link
Are you talking about how VO fills in your username by default? You can easily type in a different name, and VO will remember the change.

Also, it is entirely possible to install as root. You should perhaps change the group of the installed files and directories to "game" or something similar, and add your regular user to the game group. I actually prefer to install as a regular user and have the binaries for all my games live under my home directory. That way, my games never get trashed if I have to reinstall the OS (e.g., I might get bored and switch distros).