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Crashes when enabling Texture Compression

Mar 22, 2005 raybondo link
There is a bug with 10.3.8 (maybe other versions too) where if you enable Texture Compression on an nvidia card, the game will either crash or show corrupted textures. I submitted a bug report to Apple and hopefully they will fix it.
In the meantime, if you are changing video options and VO crashes, that is most likely the culprit.
Mar 28, 2005 andreas link
On my 12" PB 1GHz its not crashing, but you go on a LSD trip (vivid colors, random bright rays and circles). Looks .... interesting.
Mar 28, 2005 raybondo link
If you have your texture resolution set to Low, changing it to Medium or higher will probably result in a crash.
Apr 21, 2005 fprefect link
This is still broken with 10.3.9.
May 23, 2005 LeberMac link
Yep. I crash with an iMac G5, GeForce 5200FX 64 MB built-in card.
Jun 21, 2005 Arolte link
Any news on this? I've tried toying with texture compression earlier and it causes psychedelic textures to appear on my 32MB nVidia FX Go5200 equipped 1GHz PowerBook. Bleh. So much for relying on Apple to get it fixed. I got a feeling they'll be focusing on Tiger for 99.9% of the time now, leaving us Panther users in the dirt and only releasing updates for things like security leaks. It sucks, because I turn texture compression on for almost all my games. It drastically improves performance without reducing texture quality by much.

Jul 01, 2005 mdaniel link
imac G4 800Mhz Mac OS X 10.4.1 and I also crash when I turn this on. has nvidia gefore 2 w/32mb.

M. Duncan